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Home Remedies for Rough Skin | Treatment | Smooth Rough Skin

Home Remedies for Rough Skin Treatment

Rough skin could be caused due to a number of possible reasons such as cold weather, contact with irritating or coarse fabric, or a deficiency of certain vitamins. The main areas that are prone to dryness include the hands, heels, face, and upper arms.

Here are a few tips that will help your skin become supple and smooth.

  • Avoid taking a bath with water that is extremely hot or cold as this can cause your skin to dehydrate. Use warm water. Adjust the temperature of the water so that it is around 115 °F.
  • Mild body soap should be used. Harsh soaps generally dry up your skin and cause patchy skin. This mainly happens in dry climates. The best option is to use gels or liquid soap which is gentle on your skin as compared to a bar soap. Avoid over-lathering your skin as this could again take away essential oils from your body.
  • Bathing too frequently may cause irritated patches and dry your skin. Avoid bathing two or three times a day and do not spend too much time in the shower or bath.
  • Check if it is the clothes you are wearing that are responsible for your skin’s roughness. Sometimes woolen scarves may irritate your face, or wearing a wet bathing suit for long hours during summer could rub your skin raw.
  • Make sure you take your vitamins on time. Your daily diet should have all the necessary vitamins you need. Vitamin C is extremely beneficial for your skin, so make sure you increase your intake of dark leafy and deep orange vegetables. Check with your doctor as to what vitamins you need and in what dosages you need to take them.
  • Drinking a lot of water hydrates your skin and flushes out the impurities from below the skin’s surface.
  • Too much of coffee dries out your body so avoid drinking more than a cup or two of coffee daily.
  • Regular exercise helps your circulatory system function smoothly and ensure that your blood vessels pump oxygen to all parts of your body.
  • A paste made of almonds soaked in water is especially good for rough skin. You have to leave on this paste for about 20 minutes and then wash it off with warm water.
  • Adding a couple of drops of baby oil to you bath water at least twice a week will help treat rough and dry skin.
  • Take one tablespoon of milk and mix 10 mg of saffron in it. Apply this paste to the rough areas of your skin and wash in the morning with lukewarm water.

Home Remedies for Treating Nail Fragility | Natural Nail Care Tips

Home Remedies for Treating Nail Fragility

We tend to devote a lot of time in taking care of our hair and skin and very often forget an important part of our body—our nails. Our nails help protect our fingertips and it is imperative that we give them the same importance that we give the rest of our body. Here are a few home remedies that can help you take care of your nails.

  • Wearing disposable plastic gloves will provide protection to your hands and nails from harsh chemicals and water. When out in the sun make sure you wear gloves as well as they will help protect your nails.
  • You can apply moisturizing lotion on your hands and nails during the day to keep them conditioned.
  • Sometimes problems are caused by the polishes, nail lacquers, and adhesives that we use on our nails, so try avoid using these substances. Frequent use of nail polish remover could be one of the reasons your nails split or break so avoid using it too often. If you do need to use a nail polish remover use one that contains moisturizers.
  • Protein, calcium, and vitamin A deficiencies can also contribute to brittleness of the nails and cause them to break frequently. An adequate amount of nutrition will ensure that you have healthy and strong nails. A fruit and vegetable rich diet will help you combat the problem of brittle nails. Milk, dairy products, broccoli, whole grains, and fish should be incorporated in your diet.  Drinking carrot juice will help strengthen your nails as it is rich in calcium and prosperous.
  • Drinking at least eight glasses of water everyday will ensure that your nails are hydrated. You can also massage some essential oils such as eucalyptus oil or clove oil to make your nails strong.
  • Pamper yourself with a manicure at least once a fortnight. This will help strengthen fragile nails. A good hand massage will aid blood flow and ensure that your nails grow well.
  • Taking care of your cuticles will also contribute to your nail’s health. Cutting your cuticles could damage your nails; instead of this a cuticle remover can help you remove cuticles that are overgrown.
  • Use a good quality nail polish to help prevent water from evaporating from your nails and to keep them hydrated. Try not to use products such as alcohol based hand creams as they can dry your nails.
  • Dry brittle nails benefit from the use of a calcium gel. The results are immediate.
  • When out in the sun make sure you wear gloves as they will help protect your nails.

Home Remedies Using Flax Seeds | Health Benefits | Weight Loss

Home Remedies Using Flax Seeds

Including flax seed in your daily diet has many advantages. This grain has antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, omega three fatty acids, and more, all which makes it extremely beneficial for you. Here are a few home remedies using flax seeds which you can add to your day-to-day life.

  • Flax Seeds Health Benefits: Flax seeds can be used to help lower bad cholesterol. Simply add three tablespoons of ground flaxseed to your oatmeal every day and see your bad cholesterol levels come down.
  • Flax seed oil can also be used instead of the raw seeds as well. Add this oil to your food or directly consume one teaspoon of the oil, daily for three times. This will help cure arthritis.
  • Boil three quarts of water and add two tablespoons of flax seed to this water. Simmer for approximately 15 minutes. After cooling this water, strain and store it in some containers. You get approximately 2 quarts of this liquid. Add about 2 to 3 ounces in the fruit juice that you drink in the morning. This will help in preventing constipation.
  • Flax seeds Weight Loss: Flax seeds are not high in carbohydrates and may to some extent help in the lowering of your sugar and starch intake. This in turn can help you in weight management. Flax seeds also have a tendency of expanding to five times their volume and this might help you reduce your food intake, thus helping you lose weight.
  • Flax seeds contain certain antioxidants called lignans. These lignans help in the regulation of the female hormones. This in turn helps in the promotion of fertility, cuts down on the risk of blood cancer, and helps in strengthening the immune system ,thus increasing the immunity to diseases such as lupus and psoriasis.
  • The omega three fatty acids found in flax seeds help control and regularize heart diseases, diabetes, and asthma. These omega three acids also help bone health.
  • Flax seed oil has a number of health benefits such as helping cure dandruff, lowering blood pressure, and helping heal any sprains or bruises.

Try adding flaxseed to your daily meal in crushed, pre-ground, or milled form. You can also take it in capsule form to get the same results. It has a lovely nutty flavor and when added to beverages and baked products, can taste really good. Sprinkling flax seed on your salads, popcorn, and cereals is a great idea as well. Make flax seed a part of your daily diet to stay healthy.

Home Remedy for Dry Skin | Treating Dry Skin | Natural Cures

Home Remedy for Treating Dry Skin In Winter

Dry skin is a very common problem which majority of people face. Different people have different ways of dealing with the problem of dry skin. Dry skin during winter can be itchy and irritating as well as unpleasant. Not everyone prefers to use over the counter products. Home remedies can also be very effective in getting rid of dry skin during winter. Dry skin in winter is caused by the loss of moisture during winter seasons. The cold air also hurts the skin which causes dryness and itchiness. A lot of people do not drink adequate amount of water required to provide enough moisture to the skin which is needed during winter seasons. Also people who have a naturally dry skin face more problems during winters. Also use of harsh soaps, detergents and other such skin products can make the skin dry and scaly.

One of the simplest and the best ways to get rid of dry skin is using petroleum jelly. Applying petroleum jelly can give immediate effects. One can also use cornstarch as a home remedy for dry skin. Add some cornstarch to the water or in the bathtub while having a bath. Oatmeal can also prove helpful in treating dry and scaly skin. Add some instant oatmeal to your bathing water and have a bath. Oatmeal is rich with vitamin A which moisturizes and nourishes the skin, making it softer and healthier. Oatmeal is also a good remedy for dry and chapped hands. Instead of rubbing hands with soap, one can also use oatmeal to rub hands. Vegetable oil can be an excellent remedy for dry and itchy skin. Apply vegetable oil fifteen to twenty minutes before going for a bath. Let it seep into the skin and then have a bath. It will leave the skin moisturized and smooth.

Aloe Vera is known to be a natural moisturizer. Use clear jelly of Aloe Vera and slather it on the skin. Let it stay for some time so that the body absorbs the moisture. Then one can either wipe it off or wash it. One has to follow these remedies in continuity so that the skin retains the texture and to avoid reoccurrence of dry and scaly skin. One must avoid using harsh soaps and detergents. Use soaps which are milder or else one can also use baking soda or gram flour as a substitute for soap.

Home Remedies for Sore Eyes | Symptoms of Sore Eyes | Treat Sore Eyes

Home Remedies to Treat Sore Eyes

‘Sore eyes’ is a common name for conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis is the inflammation of the conjunctiva. The conjunctiva is a thin transparent membrane covering the front of the eye. It is a common form of eye problems. It is a type of infection which spreads from person to person through direct contact. There are several factors which can cause conjunctivitis. It is a result of bacterial or viral infections or eyestrain. Eyestrain can be caused by prolonged working in artificial light. Excessive use of the eyes in one way or the other is also one of the reasons why eyestrain occurs. Another reason behind the occurrence of conjunctivitis is catarrhal condition. Quite a lot of times the reason for sore eyes can be traced to catarrhal condition which is a result of general toxaemia. Such a condition can occur due to faulty lifestyle and unhealthy diet. In such a condition, the patient usually also suffers from cold or other ailments.

Symptoms of Sore Eyes

The symptoms of sore eyes or conjunctivitis are very specific and can be seen easily. The eyeballs and the underside of the eyelids become inflamed and swollen. During the earlier stages, eyes might become red and itchy. Later they start swelling and there might be watery secretion. In some of the more serious cases there is pus formation. The pus dries up during sleep which causes the eyelids to get stuck together. There are several home remedies for sore eyes which can help in treating sore eyes or conjunctivitis. Indian gooseberry is known to be effective home remedy for sore eyes. Extract juice of Indian gooseberry. Add some honey to it and prepare a mixture. Have this mixture twice daily. Coriander is equally effective in treating sore eyes. Prepare a decoction with a handful of dried coriander and 60 ml of water. Use this as an eye wash. It relieves the burning and reduces pain and swelling. However, the decoction should be used very sparingly by people suffering from bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis.

Vegetable juices are also used to treat conjunctivitis. Extract raw juice of vegetables, especially carrot and spinach. One can also use the combination of these two vegetables. Mix 200 mil of spinach juice with 300 ml of carrot juice. One can also make a combination of carrot and parsley juice. Mix 200 ml of parsley juice with 300 ml of carrot juice. Drink this juice twice daily. Increase the intake of vitamin rich food in the diet, especially vitamin A and B2.