Cooking Biscotti With Biscotti Cooking Recipes

By | December 17, 2008

Home Made Biscotti Recipes For Two Tone Biscotti

Biscotti Ingredients:

4 cups all-purpose flour
4 eggs, whole
1 1/3 cup sugar, granulated
2/3 cup softened butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon baking powder
¼ teaspoon salt
1 ½ cup chocolate pieces, semisweet, melted and cooled
1 tablespoon orange peel, shredded finely
1 cup hazelnuts, chopped finely


  1. Preheat the oven to 375 degree Fahrenheit. Place the soften butter in a large bowl and beat it on medium speed with the help of an electric beater for around 30 seconds. Add salt, sugar and baking powder and continue beating. Scrape sides of the bowl occasionally with the beater itself.
  2. Break the eggs in this butter mixture. Add vanilla and continue beating. Beat in the all-purpose flour as much as possible. If there is any remaining flour, fold it in the mixture with the help of a wooden spatula.
  3. Divide this mixture in two equal halves and place them in separate bowls. In one half mixture add melted chocolate and half of the nuts an in the other half add all the orange peels and remaining chopped nuts.
  4. Further divide one half into three portions. Lightly rub your hands with flour and shape each dough portion into a rope like shape, approximately 14 inches long. On an ungreased cookie sheet, place a rope of both color side by side and twist them several times around each other. Flatten this twisted rope mixture slightly into a 2 inch width size. Repeat the same twisting process with other 3 ropes and place all the twisted ropes on the cookie sheet at a distance of about 4 inches.
  5. Place the cookie sheet in the preheated oven and bake the contents for about 20 to 25 minutes or till they get a light brown color. Remove from oven and cool on the cookie sheet until completely cooled. Set the oven on 325 degree Fahrenheit and let it preheat.
  6. Transfer the cooled twists on a cutting board and cut them into ½ inch thick slices. Place each slice on the same cookie sheet and bake in the oven for 10 minutes. Turn the side of all the cookies and bake again for 10 minutes or until crisp. Transfer the cookies on a wire rack and let them cool. This recipe makes about 70 two-tone cookies.

Health Tip:

  • Each cookie provides about 90 calories, 2 gm protein and 4 gm total fat per serving.
  • Serve this tempting and delicious cookie with a cup of steaming hot coffee or tea.