Hot Brewed Mocha Coffee Drink

By | April 20, 2009

Mocha Hot Brewed Coffee Recipe


1½ cup hot brewed coffee, strong
3 tablespoon light brown sugar, packed
1½ tablespoon chocolate syrup
1 cup milk, chilled
¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
½ cup crushed ice
For garnish:
Whipped cream, lightly sweetened
1 small chunk bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, grated

Easy Hot Mocha Cooking Method

  1. Transfer the strong hot brewed coffee into a large cup. Add light brown sugar and stir until the sugar melts completely.
  2. To this sweetened dark coffee add the chocolate syrup and transfer the contents into a shallow bowl to cool. After it is has cooled to room temperature, place the bowl in the refrigerator and allow it to chill for about 5 hours or until it is ice cold. To decrease the cooling time you could place the bowl in the freezer. Make sure that you remove it on time and don’t allow the sweetened coffee to freeze.
  3. Remove the chilled coffee from the refrigerator or freezer and combine it with the vanilla extract and chilled milk in a small pitcher. Stir the contents so that they blend with each other.
  4. Add small amounts of crushed ice in 2 tall serving glasses. Pour in the coffee equally in the glass over the ice. Top each coffee glass with the lightly sweetened whipped cream and grated semisweet or bittersweet chocolate. Place straws and serve chilled. This recipe makes 2 servings.

Health Tip:

  • Calorie conscious individuals may skip the added calories coming from the whipped cream and bitter chocolate garnish.
  • Iced mocha is a perfect choice to serve at a summer party as a refreshing drink or even as a dessert.
  • This is a very simple recipe which can be prepared in less than 10 minutes, excluding the chilling time.
  • It is better to use skimmed milk or low fat milk (less than 1 % fat) to prepare the coffee. This change will help to decrease the total calories as well as the total fat content of this recipe.
  • If you can’t resist the cream and/or you are a chocolate lover use low fat whipped cream and low calorie chocolate for the garnish.
  • To decrease the total calories further you may substitute brown sugar with any natural or artificial sweetener. This little change will also help to reduce the simple sugars of this recipe. However make sure not to boil the sweetener along with the coffee. Just add it when the coffee is warm (in step 1) and stir well to melt the sugar substitute. Also add just enough sweeteners to replace only 3 tablespoon brown sugar and not more.