Home Remedies For Tinea Versicolor | How To Cure Tinea Versicolor At Home

By | February 15, 2010

Natural Cures For Tinea Versicolor

Tinea versicolor is a skin condition that occurs on the parts of the body where the sebaceous glands of the skin are the most active. This is because the causative organism in this condition feeds off the secretions from these glands called sebum. Sebum is an oily substance that is made up of wax monoesters, triglycerides, and essential fatty acids. This makes for an excellent food source for many microorganisms and, in the case of this disease, the malessezia fungus. Curiously, this fungus is a regular resident of the skin and is also responsible for another skin condition called dandruff.

Tinea versicolor usually manifests on the areas that are less attended to from a hygienic perspective and that also have high secretions of the skin oil sebum. The usually areas that are affected include the chest and back and very rarely the face as well. The condition is not severe and causes no further problems beyond a small skin rash. There are dangers that the presence of the fungus, in some individuals, can also cause eczema. Eczema is an inflammatory condition that is usually caused by some level of skin irritation. This irritation causes an inflammatory response that is more severe than required and causes tissue damage as well. Usually, the affected site will also be devoid of hair either due to the presence of the skin fungus or because of the continuous scratching.

Treating this condition is very simple. Naturally, the skin is kept free of this fungus by continuous cleaning and the presence of skin bacteria that reduce the numbers of the fungi. The use of topical antifungal medications like ketoconazole and greisofulvin are the standard treatments that can be used to get rid of the fungus. Another potent treatment is the use of hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide has an acidic nature and is cytotoxic to the fungus. The treatment of tinea versicolor can be done using home remedies and one dietary addition, which is garlic. The other treatments are the use of hydrogen peroxide, which will destroy the fungus immediately.

You could also use tea tree oil that is toxic to most skin bacteria and fungi – it is also useful in dealing with the cold sores as well. After these treatments, it is important to apply some aloe vera as this will form a bandage over the area and prevent any further skin irritation. Taking at least two baths a day is a good way to prevent this occurring again.