Diet To Treat Egg Allergies And Allergic Reactions

By | October 13, 2009

Simply Treat Egg Allergies With Egg Allergy Treatment

The cardinal point to remember in an egg-allergy-free diet is to keep away from foods or products containing eggs. People who are allergic to eggs can suffer from gastrointestinal reactions such as severe diarrhea or nausea and vomiting. If the doctor or allergy specialist has ascertained that the individual has an allergic reaction to eggs, he/she will need to change his/her whole way of buying food and cooking for the family. It is important to arm oneself with the knowledge of what to avoid and what to fill-in to make the allergy-free diet nourishing and tasty.

Egg is a nutritive food product; nevertheless nutritionally satisfactory options are easily obtainable. Egg allergy is mainly a pragmatic dispute because it confines the choice of food items such as baked goods, cookies, ready-to-eat food, etc. Egg has attributes that are important for preparing various baked foods made of dough or batter. Eggs provide good adhering properties, and lends to the rising of a flour mixture.

Egg substitutes are commercially available and possess the same fastening and baking attributes of eggs, but they may not necessarily have similar nutritional properties. An egg substitute usually needs to be added to water and whipped before use. Redoubled measures of baking powder or baking soda can also work as a dependable and cheap replacement. While baking, one egg may be replaced with one tablespoon of baking powder. As ideal alternatives to desserts, berries and fresh fruit are also good.

Smart Food Choices For Egg Allergy Treatments

In order to reject foods that comprise eggs, it is of great significance that the person experiencing egg-allergy reads food labels. While ordering or eating out, request the restaurant attendant for elaborate specifications of the components in the foods you choose. Merely asking if a food carries eggs or egg products may not provide you with the required information.

When buying egg-free food items, health food depots or the health food counter in a regular food market may present a broader selection. Seek foods that are marked as vegan.

Try using certain substitutes or replacements for eggs, such as in place of an egg – one teaspoon yeast melted in a quarter cup of warm water; one tablespoon of apricot puree; one and half tablespoon of water with one and half tablespoon of oil and one teaspoon of baking powder; one packet gelatin with two tablespoon warm water.

Some foods that can contribute to the nutrients found in eggs include sources of B vitamins such as dark green leafy vegetables, bananas, edible asparagus, groundnuts, and baker’s yeast. One can also get certain cookbooks for people with egg allergies, to help cope with dietary plans and daily menus