Diet for Strength and Body Building Tips

By | December 1, 2008

Body Building Diet and Weight Training

Muscle gain is one of the best and healthy methods to gain weight. Involve heavy weights in your exercise regimen, for gaining extra muscles. Repetitions are good, provided you do not exceed the level. Avoid more than ten repetitions, during heavy workouts, as it has adverse effects on the muscle fibers. Opt for heavy weights, in addition to aerobics. Aerobic exercises alone fail to bring improvement in the muscle. It proves beneficial in weight loss. Change the routine of use of weights. The muscles of men and women have the capacity to manage stress. Allow them to grow by putting certain amount of stress on them. The place of muscle development determines the degree of stress.

Larger muscle group involves the leg and back muscles, whereas the biceps and triceps are smaller muscles. Increase the intensity of the exercises by five per cent, once in two weeks. Always consider one exercise per group of muscle. The maximum effort in each set should increase. Increase the rate of work and decrease the time, well within the comfort zone. Increase the density of your muscles by working out for short span. It is better to work out five times a week for thirty minutes. Always have an objective in mind! It is easy to achieve goals, by setting a target.

Body Building Physique Exercises  and Diet for Physique

You are well within your ideal body weight limit. A healthy and balanced diet is of great help to keep a healthy structure, devoid of diseases. Eat a six meal pattern, instead of the regular three meal pattern. This ensures frequent and limited eating. Eat a lot of fresh veggies and fruits that are fresh. Canned foods are less preferred, due to its high content of salts and other additives. Whole and fresh foods are better substitutes for refined and processed foods. The best way to avoid refined and processed foods is to stop stacking them in the pantry. Include whole grains and cereals with legumes and pulses. Avoid starchy vegetables in excess and opt for fibrous ones.

Avoid junk foods as they provide calories, without any nutrients. Burgers, pizzas, chips and other fried foods are some of them. Carbonated beverages are a rich source of calories, which provides a feeling of satiety. They do not contribute to any nutrients. Weight maintenance is important for keeping healthy. Replace fresh juices with their fruit counterparts, as this provides some amount of extra fiber. The risk of additional sugar in juice, also decreases with the consumption of fruits.