Benefits of Green Tea Extract and Decaffeinated Green Tea for Hiatus Hernia Treatment

By | November 10, 2008

Decaffeinated Tea Benefits and Green Tea Uses

Green tea can provide relief and may be beneficial for some people with hiatus hernia. However green tea also contains caffeine, but much lower as compared to coffee and other black teas. But caffeine in any amounts can lower the esophageal sphincter and increase the acid production both of which can make your symptoms worst. Even decaffeinated teas and coffees can irritate the already inflamed esophageal lining. So it is best to avoid all tea and coffee to prevent any outburst of pain, heartburn and other symptoms. High fructose corn syrup should also be completely avoided in case of hiatus hernia. Try the following lifestyle and dietary modifications listed below to ease the symptoms of hiatus hernia –

  • Eat small meals at regular intervals instead of 2 or 3 large meals. Large meals tend to distend your stomach and may push it up into your chest.

    Avoid food triggers that worsen your symptoms. Some of these foods include chocolates, coffee, onions, mint, alcohol and spicy foods. Learn to identify which foods cause problems for you and avoid that food for sometime till your symptoms subside. Also acidic and other sour foods like citrus foods and tomato based foods should be limited as they can irritate the already inflamed esophagus.

    Fatty foods and fried food consumption should also be limited as fatty foods tend to delay the gastric emptying and relax the lower esophageal sphincter.

    Lose weight if you are above your ideal body weight, losing even a few pounds will help to lessen your symptoms.

    Sit straight while eating and also after completing your meals. Don’t lie down or sleep immediately after eating a meal. Keep a minimum interval of at least 2 – 3 hours between your meal and sleeping or resting time. Also avoid any strenuous activities immediately after meals, low impact activity like a light stroll in the house or garden is fine.

    Elevate the head of your bed by 6-10 inches as the gravity created by the elevation will help to prevent regurgitation of stomach acid to the esophagus when you are asleep. Preferably place a foam mattress instead of pillows to elevate your bed as pillows can tend to increase pressure on the stomach.

    Stop smoking or chewing tobacco completely and avoid any kind of stress. Practice certain relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation and deep breathing to reduce stress that may in turn help to reduce acid reflux.