Nutrition In Salads And Health Benefits Of Salads

By | December 24, 2008

Salads Nutritional Information And Benefits Of Eating Salads

Salad is a mixture of vegetables and fruits, with or without a dressing. Bread croutons or nuts are added at times. Bake the croutons or nuts, instead of frying the same. Salad is an appetizer, which is served at the beginning of a meal. Some salads include pasta, mea, cheese, whole grains an fish. Leafy vegetables form an integral part of salads, due to their crisp nature, brightness and appealing nature. Salad leaves re taken in small pieces and tossed together to form a tossed salad. Other veggies that are common in a salad are onion, pepper, spring onion, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, tomatoes, carrots, sweet corn, radish, mushroom, celery and avocadoes. Certain other ingredients that are added are olives, pasta, steaks, cooked potatoes, croutons, beans, cheese, boiled egg, meat and artichoke.

Health Benefits Of Carrots And Salads

Cherry tomatoes, parsley, mushroom, sunflower seeds and cress are used for garnishing of salads. Salad dressings involve vinegar, mayonnaise, lemon juice and olive oil. Fruits are also added in a vegetable salad. Use less amount of dressing to derive maximum benefits of salads. Mix veggies of all colors to make them more appealing and appetizing. Use baby greens, in comparison to mature greens, as they are more tender, nutritious and better in their flavor. Health benefits of salads are many, owing to the various vegetables present in them. Vegetables are a good source of antioxidants and phytonutrients. They are low in calories and are highly suitable for weight loss diets. Salads are rich in complex carbohydrates, thereby providing high satiety levels. Use them with  non fatty dressing, in case of weight loss and other diets, related to ailments. It is healthy and nutritious, as they provide a rich supply of vitamins and minerals.

Salad greens and other vegetables are available throughout he year, except for one or two, thereby providing a healthy dish, throughout the year. Dark green and red vegetables are rich in vitamins A and C, folate, fiber, carotene and calcium. Vegetables should be cleaned properly, as they are generally eaten raw or partially cooked. Clean them in water and immerse the leaves in water. Remove the moisture by drying on a tissue. This is to prevent all kinds of food-borne illnesses. Phytonutrients in vegetables provide long term benefits. They act as antioxidants and prevent free radical damage. This in turn prevents degenerative diseases, such as cancer, osteoporosis, coronary irregularities and cataract. A whole cup of lettuce provides only seven calories.