Whooping Cough Information And Treatments For Whooping Cough

By | December 29, 2008

Treatments For Whooping Cough And Whooping Cough Cures

Whooping cough is an infectious disease, which is accompanied by severe bouts of persistent cough. The major culprit for this infection is the bacteria, Bordetella pertussis. It provides a ‘whoop’ sound and is hence named as whooping cough. It is also referred to as Pertussis, which refers to excessive cough. Typical symptoms include reddening of eyes, uncontrollable cough for almost a minute and suffocation. Low grade fever is common in the initial stages. Treatment results in cure, which takes around a month or more.

All fruit diet with fresh fruit juices prove beneficial. Avoid spicy foods, such as pickles. Meat, sugar and condiments are not included. Caffeinated beverages, such as tea and coffee are not taken. Fruits are given for all the three meals, for about a week. Fresh fruits, such as pineapples, melons, apple, pears, oranges, peaches, grape fruit and grapes are provided. Mildly cooked vegetables and whole grains are taken after the initial week. A well balanced diet helps to speed up the recovery process. Candies, soft drinks, ice cream and refined flour are a complete ‘no-no’. Avoid processed and packaged foods. Substitute them with whole and fresh foods.

Whooping Cough Info For Whooping Cough Relief

Orange juice helps in warding off infection, due to its high content of vitamin C. It enhances the immunity levels and fights off the bacteria. Avoid high fat foods and junk foods, as this helps the system to fight the infection, in a better manner. Carrot juice and cabbage soup are highly beneficial. Alum salt with hot water on a daily basis proves helpful from whooping cough. Mix honey with roasted cloves and is taken. Guava is highly effective in the treatment of whooping cough. Syrup of cane sugar and radish is also useful. A tablespoon of plain honey, added to a glass of boiled water, proves effective, when taken four times a day. A tablespoon of garlic juice is a useful remedy. A teaspoon each of ginger juice and honey are added to a glass of water, which is boiled with a tablespoon of fenugreek seeds.

Hygiene is yet another point of concern, as it is a contagious disease. Use a towel, while sneezing, as the droplets or phlegm helps in the spread of infection. Wash your hands properly after sneezing or coughing. Immunization of children, as a part of the triple vaccine is vital in the prevention of whooping cough. The chances of infection in immunized children are very low. Administration of antibiotics in children, who are not immunized, proves helpful.