Home Remedies for Panic Attacks | Treatment | Natural Cures | Causes

By | May 24, 2010

Home Remedies for Panic Attacks

A panic attack is a sudden emotional peak of overwhelming anxiety and fear. Although they are extremely frightening episodes, they are most often rather harmless. The attacks usually occur during events that trigger the condition, but may also take place randomly. The peak in intensity is usually very rapid and will go away with little or no medical assistance. Studies have shown that most patients suffering from panic attacks will usually feel that they are dying via suffocating or as a result of a heart attack. Some of the more noticeable symptoms that a person is suffering from a panic attack include rapid breathing and a feeling of their heart jumping around in their chest. A panic attack will usually last for a period of about an hour at the most, after which the individual will feel rather drained of energy. Studies have shown that about 5% of the entire population of the planet will suffer from a panic attack at some point of time during the course of their lives. People that suffer from frequent panic attacks are said to suffer from a panic disorder. Some of the other symptoms of panic attacks include trembling or shaking, a feeling of choking or hot and cold flashes. Given that most of the symptoms of a panic attack are physical and intense, a number of people tend to confuse the condition with a heart attack. As always, precaution is the best mode of action and visiting your local hospital to have some tests carried out will help rule out the possibility of a weak heart. It should also be known that certain stimulants are also known to be directly linked with the occurrence of a panic attack. Some of these substances include caffeine, cocaine and amphetamines.

Treatment of panic attacks will usually require a significant change in the affected individual’s lifestyle. Some of the more important dietary changes include avoiding caffeine as well as beverages such as soda and tea. Dietary deficiencies such as a lack of B-complex vitamins, calcium or magnesium may also be a significant factor; however, you must make sure to consult your dietician before increasing your intake of any of these substances. Reducing the overall stress that you are experiencing in your life is something that must be done on priority. Whether this includes some sort of therapy or simply relieving all the tension in your body via a soothing massage, it will go a long way into reducing the frequency of panic attacks that you experience.