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Diet For ADHD - Mar 13, 2009
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common mental problem in children. It is more common in children below the age of seven years. ...
Walnut is a recommended for high cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases - Aug 14, 2008
 Walnut is known for its antioxidant properties, due to the presence of ellagic acid. Ellagic acid is an antioxidant that aids in the prevention ...
Sea scallops are an excellent source of vitamin B12 - Aug 14, 2008
Scallops are soft and have a sweet taste. They have a fleshy texture and belong to the family of molluscs. The shells are scallop shaped and ridged ...
Complex carbohydrates as dietary fiber help in loss of extra pounds - Aug 14, 2008
Hi! It helps to set a target, especially in weight reduction, but I would need more information about you. A diet plan prescription depends on the ...
Increase the frequency and quantity of your meals - Aug 14, 2008
You are lower than your ideal body weight by around 12 kgs. Your physique can be improved by a better diet and exercise. I shall be able to list them...
Diet chart to loose extra pounds - Aug 14, 2008
 A diet chart for weight loss is based on your current intake. I shall be able to give you a basic outline, as detailed information, regarding ...
Decrease the risk of gall stone by opting for regular exercise and diet - Aug 14, 2008
When the gall bladder secretes bile that is filled with cholesterol, it results in crystallisation of the cholesterol, thereby forming gall stones. ...
Underweight due to inadequate intake of calories - Aug 14, 2008
I need to know certain details regarding your height and physical activity. Height is essential to approximately judge your ideal body weight. Genes ...
Apple juice proves beneficial for gall stones in the bladder - Aug 14, 2008
Gall stones are the symptoms of an underlying complication. Diagnosis of the cause helps in the complete remedy to the problem. About eight ounces ...
Post pregnancy belly reduction - Aug 14, 2008
Do not panic! A big tummy post delivery is a common problem faced by every woman. A small amount of perseverance and patience with a balanced diet ...
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