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Home treatment for diarrhoea: Should a foot bath for the treatment of diarrhoea be be used? - November 2, 2010
diarrhoea Natural Remedies Diarrhea is intolerance to a particular food, virus, bacteria, some anxiety or a change in diet. A foot bath would not...
Juvenile Diabetes Diet: Does anyone know the best solution for Juvenile Diabetes? Please suggest a Juvenile Diabetes Diet. - November 2, 2010
Juvenile Diabetes Diet Diabetes is a chronic metabolic condition which is characterized by body's inability to break down glucose and store ...
Water Weight Gain: Is there anything similar to Water Weight Gain. I heard about this from a friend, can you tell me something more about this? - November 2, 2010
Weight Gain with WaterWeight gain is not always due to fat. It can also occur due to water and muscle mass. Weight gain due to water occurs due to ...
Child diet: what would be the ideal healthy diet for 3 year old kid who is so fussy about foods? - November 1, 2010
Diet for a Child Formulating the diet for a 3 year old is difficult, as they are generally fussy eaters. They also take a very long time to consume. ...
Walking For Weight Loss: Does walking actually help in bringing down the weight of an individual? Can someone tell me more on how walking will help me to lose weight? - November 1, 2010
Reduce Weight with WalkingWalking is often advocated as the best form of exercise as an addition to a weight loss plan. Walking for weight loss can be...
Treatment for diarrhoea: What is the treatment of diarrhoea - November 1, 2010
Try these remedies for diarrhea - To control diarrhea drink strong black coffee (without milk). Boil cup water with added 2 tsp arrowroot powder in it...
Raw Food Diet Diabetes: Assist me with what this Raw Food Diet Diabetes means. Does it help in controlling diabetes? - November 1, 2010
Raw Food Diet Diabetes Raw food diet program is the new way of diet program that will help in reducing the weight in healthy manner. These foods ...
Best Protein Powder For Weight Loss: How helpful is the Best Protein Powder For Weight Loss? Whatever you can tell me will be great! - November 1, 2010
Best Protein Powder For Weight LossProtein is the most important component of a diet. It is required to build muscles, lose weight & to stay trim...
Diet for high uric acid: I have high uric acid. Please advice a diet for me. - November 1, 2010
Uric acid is a by product of purine, which reaches the kidneys. Increase in alcohol, diuretics, obesity, high purine diet, psoriasis, leukaemia and so...
Advice on appendix: I had appendix pain two week back, I took antibiotic, now I am feeling better. What do you suggest for further treatment and diet? Can we wait or should we take action for surgery? - October 27, 2010
Causes and Treatment for AppendixAppendix is a pouch seen along with the intestines. Appendicitis is a result of inflammation and blockage of the ...
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