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diabetes diet chart

Diabetes is a condition where a person’s blood sugar rises and falls rapidly as there is improper management of blood sugar in the person’s body. Blood sugar is glucose which is used to produce energy in the body. However, a diabetic often suffers from an inability to absorb sugar properly which causes the blood sugar to be high. At the same time, the available sugar for energy may be lower than what is required. This creates a situation where the individual may feel excessively tired and may have blurry vision. Diabetes can be caused by insulin related problems. There is either insufficient insulin or the insulin being produced is not being used properly. This leads to the inability of the body to properly process glucose which eventually leads to high blood sugar. Blood sugar can be checked periodically using a pin prick which releases a drop of blood on a blood sugar monitoring machine.

A diabetic must consume foods that are on the lower part of the glycemic index. The glycemic index is a measure of how rapidly the blood sugar of an individual is raised after consuming particular types of food. It is not necessarily how sweet the foods taste. Certain foods are easily broken down and their effect on the blood sugar is stronger over the short term. Other foods take longer to break down and their effect is weaker but prolonged over a longer period of time. Foods that are on the lower side of the glycemic index can help stabilize the blood sugar level of a diabetic.

A diabetes diet chart is can be used to check the calorie consumption of an individual suffering from diabetes. Some studies suggest that the consumption of the bare minimum daily calorie requirement is good for the maintenance of blood sugar in diabetics. This bare minimum is defined as the calorie intake required for the maintenance of the body weight that is considered to be normal for a person of the height and gender of the individual concerned.

The diabetes diet chart can be used to plan meals according to their calorific value. Certain foods are not allowed for diabetics in any case and these should be avoided as best possible. For all other foods, their nutrition value can be calculated based on the diabetes diet chart to make sure that the amount of food being consumed is enough, but not too much.

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