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Importance of Vitamins and Minerals in Daily Diet

Submitted by Serena Mason on February 3, 2010

Minerals And Vitamins In Daily Diet

Human beings need several different nutrients in the body in the right proportions to maintain their health and to avoid diseases. The human body requires carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and fiber in the right proportions. Vegetables, fruits, grains, dairy and meat constitute the five major food groups and the right proportion of each gives us a healthy and balanced diet.

Vitamins and minerals together constitute an important part of our daily diet. Vitamins and minerals are vital for the proper functioning of the human body.

They are also called micro nutrients. Vitamins are of two types: fat soluble and water soluble. Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat soluble, whereas B, C, Biotin acid, folic acid, and others are water soluble.

Fat soluble vitamins are found in animal fat such as dairy products, oily fish, butter, lard, vegetable oils, and liver.

Water Soluble Vitamins And Health Benefits

Water soluble vitamins are found in fruits, grains, and vegetables. Although your body needs fat soluble vitamins, the intake should be on a daily basis and not in sudden large quantities.

An excess of fat soluble vitamins can be harmful for the body as it deposits them in the fat surrounding the liver and in the fatty tissues. Water soluble vitamins on the other hand are passed through the urine in case of excessive intake and hence are considered to be harmless. Deficiency of vitamins can cause varied problems such as cracked skin, sore skin, irritability, visual problems, pellagra, diarrhea, mouth sores and anemia.

Minerals can be found in dairy, cereals, fruits, dry fruits, meat, vegetables and nuts.

Minerals are essential in order to convert food into energy, for strong bones and teeth, and for controlling body fluids. Calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium, sulfur and sodium are essential minerals. There are other trace elements required in the body, such as zinc, boron, copper, cobalt, chromium, fluorine, iodine, manganese, and molybdenum. These elements are not required in large quantities, but they are necessary for the sound functioning of the body. A deficiency of minerals in the body can cause various ailments such as osteoporosis, osteomalacia (soft bones), rickets, anorexia, bone pain, muscle weakness, irritability, anemia, retarded growth, and delayed sexual growth.

Since the lack of vitamins and minerals in the human body can cause severe diseases, it is essential to maintain a balanced and nutritious diet. Most people get all these vitamins and minerals through their diet. However, if for some reason this is not possible and the amount gained through diet is insufficient, intake of vitamin and mineral supplements can help.
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