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Menorrhagia Or Heavy Menstruation Facts And Diet

Menorrhagia or Hypermenorrhea is the medical term used for excessive bleeding at the time of the menstrual period. It is a condition that is experienced by most women at some time or the other during her reproductive cycle. It can occur during menarche or menopause.

What are the signs? If you are changing your sanitary protection, sanitary pad, or tampon for about every one or two hours and this lasts for more than seven days you are said to be experiencing menorrhagia.
You could become anemic and fatigued and the iron deficiency could aggravate the problem. This can be accompanied by constant pain in the uterus and the lower abdomen area during your menstrual period. You may have heavy flow that includes large blood clots.

What causes menorrhagia? There are various conditions that cause heavy menstruation. Some of them are hormonal imbalance, uterine fibroids, anovulation (the lack of ovulation), polyps, pregnancy complications, the use of intrauterine device (IUD) for birth control, thyroid problems, medication such as steroids, blood thinners, anti- inflammatories or anticoagulants, or stress.

How to get treated? Menorrhagia is generally treated with hormone therapy, delaying menstrual periods or birth control pills. Oral contraceptive pills regulate ovulation and control excessive bleeding. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as Ibuprofen will help reduce cramping and blood flow, but these are temporary. However, eating healthy can ward off menorrhagia.

Excessive Bleeding And Dietary Changes For Health

Dietary changes for menorrhagia. Iron rich foods can fight anemia and can reduce heavy bleeding. Good sources of iron include oysters, clams, sardines, salmon, lean beef, shrimp, tuna, raisins, dried apricots, figs, kidney beans, pinto beans, enriched cereals, lentils, greens, lima beans, broccoli, and fruits like strawberry, raspberry and bananas.

Asoka - aristha, a wine prepared from the Asoka herb is a good cure. You can take six teaspoons, about 30 ml of the formulation with water thrice a day. Tea made of coriander or cilantro seeds is a beneficial treatment for excessive bleeding. Cinnamon taken raw or powdered or made into tea with boiling water, once or twice a day, is an excellent treatment.

You can take pomegranate, tomatoes, lemon, other citrus fruits and vegetables. This will replenish your body and cleanse your system of toxic material. These will in addition reduce pain that comes with it. It will be worthwhile if you avoid or decrease your intake of fish, chicken or spicy and oily food, which contain little or no fiber. This helps to decrease estrogen production and will stabilize hormone levels.

Take ample rest to restore your health during and after excessive bleeding. Try watching a good movie or engage in some interesting activity to take your mind off the pain and discomfort.
Submitted on January 16, 2014