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Fatty Acids Nutrition Facts

Submitted by Stella Morgan on July 21, 2010

The health conscious will very often hear of the term ‘fatty acids’ in almost every health focused diet plan. As a result, many people start to wonder what exactly fatty acids are, given their widespread benefits within the human body. First and foremost, it is important to remember that fat is used by the body to generate the energy the body will require to perform certain tasks over the course of the day. Omega 3 fatty acids are considered to be good fats because of the fact that they are not highly soluble in water and can also be used to create the required energy by most cells in the human body. Fatty acids assist in the movement of oxygen through the bloodstream to all other parts of the body and are used by the body for several other purposes as well such as cell membrane development and the strengthening of organs and tissue within the body.

They also play a huge role in boosting the aesthetical appearance of an individual such as in keeping the skin healthy and vibrant, thereby preventing any symptoms of early aging, promoting weight loss essentially by assisting in the processing of cholesterol. Moderate to severe fatty acids deficiency can result in hair loss and scaly dermatitis. This type of a deficiency is often seen in those following an unbalanced diet such as restrictive slimming diets.

Some restrictive diets work towards eliminating the consumption of all fatty acids and can be extremely unhealthy. A deficiency in fatty acids can also cause bruises, cuts, and wounds to heal at a much slower rate.

Some of the symptoms that a person is not receiving an adequate intake of fatty acids include allergies, learning difficulties, high blood pressure or even depression and hyperactivity. If the condition is left untreated for a significant amount of time, it could lead to very serious conditions such as heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease and cancer.

There are a variety of fatty acids apart from the well known Omega – 3 type. Omega-9 fatty acids can be produced within the body while the omega 3 and omega 6 types cannot – thereby causing them to be known as ‘essential’ fatty acids. Switching to a diet that is high in fatty acid content and combining this with a lifestyle of adequate to high amounts of exercise will be extremely beneficial to a person’s health and overall well being.

The best sources of essential fatty acids include walnuts and almonds, dark green leafy vegetables, olive oil, flaxseed oil and hemp hearts or hemp oil.

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