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Ideal Foods for A Picky Tween

Submitted by Elizabeth on July 14, 2010

Feeding food to children is a tough job as most of them are picky eaters. Getting them to eat healthy foods so that their body receives the correct nutrition is a task that parents have to master. Children don’t like their food to be combined or even touched; they prefer to consume each dish separately. It is tough to keep changing their diet and give them new foods very often, as they aren’t comfortable eating new foods. The trick is to be patient and make eating food a very enjoyable experience for the child.

You should think of different ways of making the meals attractive as well as take tips from your mother or friends who have experienced this problem. Very often, when children refuse to eat and say that their stomach is full, parents force them to eat as they think the child is just making a fuss, however this is the biggest mistake a parent can make. The truth is that a child requires fewer calories as compared to adults, so it may be true that his/her stomach is full after eating a little.

Some healthy foods for children are fruits, vegetables, meats, and dairy products. The vitamin, mineral, and fiber content in fruits is essential for building a strong immune system. Whole grain foods are also essential in a child’s health growth.

Add fruits and vegetables to every meal as a snack. Add protein rich foods like fish, beans, and eggs to regular meals as protein is essential for the formation of muscle tissue. When eating out, make sure that you always choose healthy fast food options.

The key is to make meals attractive to the child.

Some healthy snacks ideas are as follows:

  • If your child does not like milk you could encourage your child and not force the point by making different fresh milkshakes, so it becomes interesting for the child to drink milk. You could also try making a homemade fruit smoothie
  • Cut fresh fruit such as apples, bananas, grapes, oranges, strawberries, watermelon into long strips and give it to the child in a colorful bowl.
  • Include dried fruits such as raisins and prunes but have your kids brush their teeth after eating them as these are sticky foods.
  • Cut strips of raw vegetables such as carrots and celery and serve it with a low-fat dip or dressing
  • Add a low-fat cheese, yogurt, or pudding to their daily meal
  • Crackers, cereal bars, baked chips, popcorn, and pretzels are best for an evening snack.
  • Most kids love popsicles; ensure that these are made with 100% fruit juice.
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