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The Importance of Healthy Toddler Eating Habits

Submitted by Serena Mason on May 28, 2010

Toddler Eating Habits: Feeding your toddler might be very difficult and feeding them healthy food might be even more difficult. Kids are very fussy these days and are least interested in eating. Feeding them the right kind of food is of utmost importance because they need the right amount of nutrition to grow and get the energy they need and to gain a healthy weight. Also, if you inculcate healthy eating habits while they are small, they can follow and maintain a healthy lifestyle once they grow. A number of health conditions can be averted once your toddler is big if they continue to eat healthy.

Whenever you serve them, serve them a variety of dishes. They will barely eat only a small amount because the appetite of a toddler is very little but you will be assured that they are getting the right nutrition. You need to constantly introduce new food to their plate so that they get used to eat and eventually start eating it.

As soon as a new dish is introduced, your toddler will not try it instantly but will slowly get used to it being in the plate and then try it after a few days.

Serving food in a fun and innovate manner is a great way to enable your toddler to eat and try out new food. Fruit dips are great to feed your toddler as it is healthy and nutritious food and dipping is an excellent way of serving your toddler food in a fun manner and helping them try different kinds of food.

You can cut vegetables in different shapes to increase their appeal and serve fruit dips with strawberries, pears, bananas and apples for a snack. Do not let them eat while watching television as that will get them distracted and they may not realize how full they are and end up overeating. Since the beginning, encourage them to choose water as their preferred drink for consumption as soda and other drinks that contain sugar can lead to obesity and other such problems in the future.

If there are certain vegetables that your toddler does not like you can add them in a hamburger by chopping them fine or also add a few of them to spaghetti or other such dishes that are their favorites. Rather than giving them one big meal to eat, allow them to have 3 to 4 small meals and snacks so that you can give them various types of food.
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