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Healthy Diet Plans >>  Therapeutic Value of Different Foods >>  Fruits >>  Raspberry


This fruit is cultivated in the countries having cool atmosphere. The normal is twice in a year. The Raspberries are wonderfully delicious having texture such as melting-in-your-mouth; this fruit has a delicate structure with a hollow core. Raspberry is called as 'aggregate fruit, since compendium of smaller seeds flacit - called as druplets, which are around the hollow central cavity. Raspberry has natural rich red colour which is due to the presence of  Flavonoid group.
These flavonoids are classified as Anthocyanins.
In spite of that it is fragrantly with a subtle tart over tone and  delicacy, it is source of  any useful properties.

The noticeble research has given agood news that freezing & storing  has no significant effect on its antioxidant properties. Rasberry has a unique blend of manganese, Vitamin 'C', dietary fiber, folate, Vitamin ' B 2 ', Potassium, copper, etc.

Raspberry possesses 50 % higher antioxidant capacity than strawberries, three times of kiwis & ten times of tomatoes. It is an antioxidant food. It contains ellagic acid also. The ellagic acid belongs to the family of  phyto-nutrients called as tannins. As an antioxidant food with ellagic acid, helps in preventing damage to the cell membranes and other structures of body by neutralizing the free radicals, intensive research on animals showing signs of results against cancer.

The ellegic - tannins due to its antioxidant property, raspberry is exclusive food for treatment of cancer. Raspberry is inhibiting cancer cells proliferation and tumor formation in the body including colon. Raspberry is filled with nutrients, primarily in vitamin 'B' category.  As the raspberries are good source of iron and folate, these are used for treatment of low red blood cells and anemia, and have minimal impact on blood sugar.

The properties also help in protecting body tissues from oxygen related damages. For optimal health these fruits provide best diet. The fruit inhibit enzymes in the form of metalloproteinase. These enzymes play a significant roll in providing a mechanism for the invasion and spread of cancer.

Raspberries can be stored in refrigerator for some time, though the best ones to eat as a snack or as a dressing on salads or desserts, raspberries are extremely attractive and can change the way your preparation looks or tastes like. You can also make juices or smoothies from raspberries, your children will love the red colored smoothie, it is excellent to accompany smoothies with ice creams.
Submitted on September 4, 2008