Unsatisfied Hunger And Polyphagia Diabetes Prevention

By | December 17, 2008

Causes Of Polyphagia And Diabetes Symptoms Treatment

Even if I eat heaps or not before bed I always wake up ravenous. Is this normal or is it a severe disease. Please let me know if there is anything I can do?

Excessive hunger or increase in appetite is medically termed as Polyphagia. It is an abnormal behavior of eating or the need to eat. It is a common symptom of diabetes. It is at times a normal or related to any underlying medical condition. Certain causative factors of polyphagia or hyperphagia are depression, uncontrolled diabetes, increased exercise, growth spurt, injury to the hypothalamus, medication and drugs and bulimia nervosa. Certain queries, which need to be answered, are your intake of medications, any other underlying complication and so on.

Polyphagia Causes And Diabetes Treatment

Polyphagia, also referred to as disorder of hyperalimentation is commonly associated with diabetes. Insulin is the hormone, which regulates the blood glucose levels. It is produced by the islets of Langerhans, in the pancreas. Do you also experience excessive thirst (polydipsia) and increase in urine output (polyuria)? These are typical symptoms of an individual suffering from diabetes. Lack of insulin results in increased blood glucose levels. This is not used for energy and causes starvation of the cells. This is hyperglycaemia or high blood glucose levels. This in turn results in voracious appetite, which reduces, after the entry of the glucose, into the cells.

Diagnostic tests are performed to identify the condition. A high blood glucose level indicates diabetes mellitus, thyroid function tests to detect hyperthyroidism, toxicology test for drug abuse and cranial CAT (computed axial tomography) for any kind of brain damage or injury. Lifelong monitoring and treatment is necessary for those suffering from diabetes mellitus. Side effects depend on the severity and kind of treatment technique. Any kind of side effect depends on the medications, as it causes headache, stomach upset and allergic reactions. Treatment depends on the cause of the problem. Though, there is no risk involved, it is better to check your blood levels. Anti diabetic medications or insulin hormone is the treatment procedure for those with diabetes.

Are you proportionately gaining weight? Individuals with hyper thyroidism have a great appetite and fail to gain weight. Growth spurt is yet another reason for increase in appetite. I do not know if this is applicable, as information regarding your age is unavailable. Depression is one of the leading causes of high appetite levels. Avoid drug abuse. Take the guidance of your physician regarding the dosage of your medications, if any. Surgery, radiation therapy or medication is prescribed for those with hyperthyroidism. Health counseling and medication prove useful for those with depression.


Polyphagia is about a problem where a person eats too much. This is often brought on by disorders like Kleine Levin Syndrome which is malfunction of the hypothalamus, diabetes, and is sometimes genetic. A person with severe hunger eats excessively and if he or she is a diabetic the sugar build up is passed out in the urine. This results in loss of energy and the person is again hungry. Other causes for excessive hunger are low blood sugar and pregnancy. Hunger in all such cases is mainly a symptom of the disease and needs to be checked out by a physician.

There are several health problems which are the cause of polyphagia apart from diabetes and pregnancy, like depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, brain injury, bulimia, migraine, premenstrual syndrome, encephalitis, tapeworms, mania and corticosteroids to name a few. Extreme hunger could also be the result of a recent illness after which the body is trying to compensate for lost energy and in its attempt to rejuvenate itself goes into this mode of polyphagia. Antidepressants could sometimes bring on this symptom. Over exertion results in a bout of polyphagia especially when a person exercises too much and ends up eating a lot.

Polyphagia diabetes

Polyphagia diabetes describes one of the symptoms of diabetes which is extreme hunger that is not satiated easily and is not a disease but is caused by a health disorder. A person with diabetes may also have polydipsia which is extreme thirst and polyuria which is frequent urination. The pancreas produces the hormone insulin which controls and helps in the digestion of sugar and starch in the body which is the main energy providing food, and regulates it in the blood. It is the lack of insulin which causes the glucose levels in the blood to rise above the normal parameter. Once the sugar is not assimilated in the body the cells are starved and is the cause of hyperglycemia. The chain reaction is an increased appetite to compensate for the lost glucose.

Diabetes hunger

To establish the cause of uncontrolled hunger tests have to be done. To diagnose diabetes the blood is tested while the patient is fasting and subsequently an hour and a half after the first meal in the day which is breakfast. These blood tests are called fasting blood sugar and post parandial blood sugar. These levels will help the physician to come to a conclusion about the cause of polyphagia.

Other tests for various reasons of this symptom would be a test to detect thyroid functions, a CAT to detect any brain damage and if drug abuse is suspected a toxicology test.

Diabetes and hunger

In case the cause of hunger has been diagnosed as diabetes the person’s blood sugar levels will have to be monitored for life. The dosage of medications will be prescribed by the physician according to these levels and a diet which is without sugar and has less of starch will also be given to the person. A dietician normally explains the reason for the special diet for a diabetic and also gives them some daily menus which will help them to plan their meals initially.

Polyphagia and diabetes

As one of the major health problems caused by diabetes is cardiovascular disease it is essential for the person to take control of his diet to ensure that this problem is kept under control. Cardiovascular complications which are brought on because of diabetes are congestive heart failure, cardio-myopathy, peripheral artery disease, stroke and coronary heart disease. These health problems can prove to be fatal if immediate medical attention and care are not provided. Apart from medication the person has to change his or her lifestyle and ensure that cholesterol levels are also maintained alongside the sugar levels.

Diabetes and Polyphagia

The combination of diabetes and polyphagia is most often combined. To control the symptoms of polyphagia a proper diet regime should be planed and adhered to strictly. The meals should be planned with a low calorie and low fat diet and instead of three large meals there should be several, like five, small nutritious meals. The person should not be allowed to reach a stage when hunger gets the better of them, instead something should be readily available at home which will satisfy the hunger and yet not put up the glucose levels or the weight. Consulting a dietician is a good idea as they can give you a scientifically organized diet.

Polyphagia in diabetes

Polyphagia in diabetes can aggravate the situation and make the disease uncontrollable. It is best to get help and advice from an Endocrinologist to help one in such a case so that the diabetic condition remains within the normal limits. The medication may need to be reviewed and also the diet. A change in lifestyle may also be suggested by the doctor.

Diabetes polyphagia

Unlike diabetes polyphagia Bulimia and Anorexia Nervosa are conditions where the person may binge to a certain extent but vomit the food forcibly or starve themselves till they are bone thin. These are disorders where the person is obsessed with their own body and want to look different to what they are. Even if they become reed thin such people will still imagine themselves to be obese. The extent of starvation is so great that they cannot function normally anymore and need psychiatric help to come out of the situation. Such people have often experienced rejection or ill treatment and turn to food to sooth their feelings. They have a low self esteem and either over eat or if they do then purge their bodies.

Polyphagia in diabetes mellitus

Polyphagia in diabetes mellitus can make the condition worsen and cause further health deterioration. As this is a symptom of the disease it needs careful handling to curb the problem. There are several natural remedies including those of ayurveda which can combat the problem to some extent. Herbal tea which is made of leaves of different herbs as prescribed by and ayurvedic specialist will stop the hunger pangs and also calm the person down if there are symptoms of stress which are causing the overeating. Some of the herbs which help are St. Joyn’s Wort, Comfrey, Echinacea and Chamomile. It is best to combine them and brew them for effective results.

Polyphagia diabetes mellitus

A difficult to control problem is the onset of Polyphagia diabetes mellitus. This is a situation which is brought on by the disease and makes it worse which in turn again increases the hunger and causes the person to overeat. This adds to the stress and depression of the person who is trying desperately to control the situation. A Yoga massage which reduces the stress and balances the energy in the body can bring about effective changes in the system. Along with the massage the instructor will advice the person to carry our some breathing exercise which will keep the person’s mind off food and also help their general well being. There is no need to stop the normal medication which the physician has prescribed.

Hunger diabetes

The hunger in diabetes and overeating become a habit and the person starts increasing his or her intake. A good way to control the intake of food is to make it spicier so that the intake is reduced. Not only can overeating be controlled for bulimia with this even weight loss becomes more pronounced with this. Whatever method you use for getting over polyphagia always keep your physician informed.