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Cigarette Smoking Women

Submitted by Stella Morgan on June 2, 2010

A number of experimental studies and clinical trials have revealed how cigarette smoking among women is particularly dangerous and brings about a number of specific health risks which are unique to women.

Cigarettes and women are a potential disaster and the kind of medical risks seen among them is far more increased than compared to males. Some of the effects of cigarette smoking on women are as follows:

  • Cigarettes and tobacco are potentially hazardous in women as it has been seen that cigarette smoking women are at a far greater risk of developing cervical and breast cancer than non-smokers.
  • Women smokers also tend to have a number of complications in their pregnancies including low infant birth weight child defects.
  • One particular study revealed that cigarette smoking women who take birth control also stand at an increased risk for paralysis, blood clots and heart disorders.

Effects of Cigarette Smoking: It is believed that one of the biggest factors that drive women into smoking is daily stress and the increasing pressure in current lifestyles.

Most women these days are expected to work around the clock, while simultaneously taking care of their households and raising children and at the same time be attentive wives. On the other hand, teenage children who develop smoking at an early age do so due to peer pressure, unattainable academic demands and difficult body changes. Young girls who wish to ape actresses and models start smoking in order to suppress their appetite and keep off excess weight.

Another important factor that has driven most women to smoking is the rise of media influence and its effects on the minds of people. Although most forms of media do not actually promote smoking as a habit, they also do not dissuade the habit either. Media campaigns that warn women of the dangers of smoking are not effective enough and this particular issue needs to be addressed effectively and emphatically.   

Dangers of Smoking: It is believed that approximately 25% of women in the United States still continue to smoke despite the many dangers that smoking brings to women.

Women who smoke increase their chances of developing malignant tumors, heart disorders and respiratory problems in the long run. On the other hand, passive smoking or secondhand smoke also dangerous and most women are victims of the effects caused by secondhand smoke. Smoking is especially dangerous in women as it tends to affect their normal cyclical changes and disrupts the normal hormonal balances that take place during menopause and menstruation.

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