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How to Slim Your Face and Chin with Effective Diet Plans

Submitted by Stella Morgan on May 27, 2010

Face fat which is primarily deposited in the cheeks, neck and chin (resulting in double chins) is a direct indicator of the need to make significant changes in ones lifestyle and diet. There are several reasons behind the accumulation of fat on the face and chin; primary ones being fluid and fat build up due to lack of exercise. Additionally there are also certain genetic or hereditary factors, improper diet, insufficient sleep etc which result in accumulation of fat and fluid in the body. This fat on the face and chin makes the skin lose it suppleness and instead gives it a loose appearance.

To have a slim face and chin certain dietary and lifestyle changes are recommended such as reduction in the consumption of carbohydrates, junk foods, artificial sweeteners and even caffeine, as these are known to aid retention of fluid. Instead dietitians recommend consumption of whole grains and natural sources of sugar.

A high intake of salt also results in water retention which in turn causes one to have chubby cheeks and a double chin. Fruits such as grapes and apples, and nuts, should be incorporated in one’s daily diet along with a healthy portion of salads. These foods contain anti oxidants which help the skin in maintaining its elasticity and youthful looks.

On the other hand foods such as red meats and oily foods which are high in calories have to be avoided as far as possible as they are converted into fat by the body which is difficult to burn. Those looking to have a slim face and chin are advised to consume 6-8 cups of plain water everyday which will ensure that the body remains well hydrated. Additionally water also aids in flushing out toxins from the system which would have otherwise contributed towards fat buildup and accumulation in the body.

It is also recommended to exercise the facial muscle that facilitates the jaw to move downwards. This can be done by covering your upper lip with your lower lip and holding the position for 10 -15 seconds. This process ought to be repeated a few times.

Activities like walking, jogging, aerobics etc help in burning fat and thereby reduce fat in the body.

One needs to realize that the only way to having a slim face and chin is only by following an effective diet plan such as the one mentioned above supplemented with regular and consistent exercise.
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