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hypothyroidism diet

The thyroid gland secretes a hormone that helps activate the cells in your body and enables them to carry out their normal function. If the levels of this hormone are deficient it causes the cells to become sluggish with their regular functions. If your cells are not in their best form it can cause you a number of complications with your health. Your immune system may fail, your metabolism slows down and your blood circulation becomes sluggish. When your thyroid fails to secrete the required amount of thyroid hormone you begin to show signs of hypothyroidism – wherein you put on more weight, have an irritated disposition, are lethargic and so on.

A hypothyroidism diet can help you lose weight and reduce the symptoms.

Make sure that the following foods are a part of your hypothyroidism diet.

  • Iodine-rich foods: Iodine is required for the production of thyroid hormone in your body.  A hypothyroidism diet should always include food that is rich in iodine content such as bananas, parsley, saltwater fish, seaweed and sushi. Using iodized salt instead of plain rock salt while cooking is beneficial.
  • Water: Ensure that you increase your intake of water. Drink at least eight glasses every day. Your body stores more fat when you are dehydrated and can make you gain more fat.
  • Fiber: A high fiber diet can be extremely beneficial for those who have hypothyroidism. A high fiber diet will regularize your bowel movement and also bring down your cholesterol levels. Fiber also helps lessen your hunger levels and make you burn additional calories. Fruits and vegetables are generally high in fiber.
  • Coconut oil: Consuming coconut oil helps stimulate the production of thyroid hormone. It increases your metabolism and helps boost your energy. This should however be consumed in moderate levels depending on your body structure and age. 
  • Green tea: Drink a cup of green tea everyday. It increases your metabolism and also helps in the oxidation of fat.
  • Tyrosine-rich foods: Tyrosine helps in the production of thyroid hormone. This is found in fish, lentils, lean meats, fish and low-fat milk.
  • Selenium-rich foods: Selenium is needed for the production of thyroid hormone. Increase your intake of foods such as brown rice, Brazil nuts, salmon and tuna 

Weight gain is something you can expect if suffering from thyroid issues. If you have hypothyroidism, diet plans should be paid attention to and chosen carefully as they can help you avoid any further complications.

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