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Different Types Of Diet For Good Health

A deep insight into the components of a balanced diet is essential for deriving maximum benefits.  A nutritious diet is devoid of trans fats and is a good source of omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids. The calorie intake depends on the height, weight, age, activity and sex of the individual. All the micronutrients are taken care of. A healthy and balanced diet helps in the prevention of nerve damage and ensures good sleep pattern. It also decreases the incidence of mental disorders.

Foods contaminated with poisonous metals and human pathogens are not recommended. A balanced diet is healthy and is of prime importance, owing to the overall well being of the individual.

Merits Of Balanced Diet

The merits of a balanced diet include:

  1. Relaxation to the mind
  2. Maintenance of body weight
  3. Increase in muscle performance
  4. Better workout capacity
  5. Regulation of emotions and
  6. Decrease in lipid levels, such as triglycerides, cholesterol and so on.

Various types of hospital diets are soft diet, full liquid diet, clear liquid diet and solid diet. Clear liquid diet is given immediately after surgery. Full fluid diet comprises of viscous fluids, in the form of juices, white soups and so on. Soft diet is given after four or five days of surgery or infection. It includes mashed and double boiled rice and so on. Many individuals, who concentrate on a balanced diet, forget about the importance of water. About eight to ten glasses of water helps in the elimination of waste and other toxic metabolites. Water enhances the functioning of various foods, which comprise a balanced diet.

A nutritious diet is key to maintaining good health. The food that we eat or drink on any given day refers to a diet. However the foods that we eat should supply the vitamins and calories our bodies need to be nourished with for optimum function. Unlike in the past where one only heard of a weight loss diet, today there are a variety of diet types. The diet types range from the Atkins diet, South Beach diet, Mediterranean diet, blood type diet, Zone diet, low calorie diet, detoxification diet, GI diet, Gluten-free diet, juice diet and a plethora of others.

People follow various types of diets for a variety of reasons like weight loss and weight gain, religious and personal preferences, to recuperate from illnesses, as well as to combat diseases like diabetes, cancer, hyperthyroidism and other chronic conditions. Most of the popular diets have been thoroughly researched and tested for their effectiveness. However prior to embarking upon a diet, it would be prudent for you to assess whether the nutrition objectives of these diets are in sync with your dieting requirements. Personal considerations like your age, activity levels, health condition, daily calories and vitamin recommendations needs must be kept in mind.

Caution must be taken to ensure that your ideal diet contains all the essential nutrition needs your body needs. A food guide pyramid and nutrition facts label on packaged foodstuff will help in selecting the right diet for you.

Several popular diets can actually harm instead of heal you. Especially those types of diets, which totally exclude vital food groups and restrict variations in food. For instance some diets advocate that one greatly reduce the amount of carbohydrates, while others advice an overly excessive consumption of fruits. They make unfound and false claims that the human body cannot digest protein and carbohydrates simultaneously. The fact is that different parts of our digestive tract caters to varied nutrients and absorb those nutrients. However, most of our food like beans (which contain 50% protein and 50% carbohydrate) is a combination of both proteins and carbohydrates.

Whatever diet you choose to adopt, make sure that it contains the average recommended vitamins and minerals, protein, carbohydrates, fiber and fat your body needs.

We have some more information on diet chart here.

Healthy Diet

The human body is a large and complicated organism. There are many different parts of the body that perform several unique functions. Different organ systems perform automatic tasks that help maintain the life of the body. This complicated nature of the human body means that its dietary requirements are equally complicated. A healthy diet is therefore one that contains all the necessary nutrients in appropriate amounts. While, in theory, this appears to be simple, it is far more complicated than one might imagine. The dietary requirement of every human being is different from every other human being. Some individuals are more athletic and expend more energy while others are more relaxed and tend not to spend too much time on physical pursuits. The profession of an individual is also important when it comes to a balanced diet. Some individuals work in physically intensive jobs while others sit at desks all day and do not expend much physical energy. Instead, these people spend their energy on mental tasks. Therefore, a lumberjack working in a forest requires a different diet from that of an IT professional working in an office.

A balanced diet plan is therefore something that needs to be individually selected to suit every person. Broadly speaking, there are some recommendations that can apply to any balanced diet plan. A balanced diet is one that features foods from all the important food groups that are used by the human body. These food groups include protein which is used to build body tissue, carbohydrates that are used for energy, vitamins and minerals that are used for various important body functions, fat that is used for energy storage and dietary fiber which helps the process of digestion. Once again, it is an immensely complicated task to choose which types of which food should be consumed in a healthy diet. In order to choose a balanced diet menu, one should first estimate the calorie requirement of the individual. The calorie requirement of the individual is based on the quantity of food that is capable of sustaining the energy requirements of the individual without adding too much excess. Also, there are some finer details that are relevant when it comes to a healthy diet. The type of fat, for example, is important as certain fats are good for the body while others may be harmful.

When choosing a healthy diet, one should focus on naturally occurring foods rather than processed foods. All natural foods have varied nutritional qualities. Processed foods may be rich in certain nutrients, but may fall short in other areas. A natural food based diet is one that can be a healthy diet and a balanced diet as well. A good, nutritious diet is essential for the proper functioning of the body and the proper functioning of the mind as well. When the body is in harmony, the individual can perform his or he daily tasks more efficiently.

When it comes to a diet for weight loss, one should understand that there are two areas of focus. Firstly, weight loss is related to the amount of exercise that an individual does. During exercise food, and then fat, is burned for energy. By reducing one’s food consumption, one will only achieve partial results. Starving the body is not a good plan as this causes sudden weight loss and may result in some sort of toxicity within the body, especially if there is no balance in the system. The second aspect of a diet for weight loss is the quantity and quality of food that is consumed. Once an individual has a set exercise regime, the diet can be modified accordingly. Individuals should eat meals at a set time and should avoid intermittent snacking. Exercise should be done on an empty stomach so that the body needs to access fat for energy much faster than it would on a full stomach. An extensive use of fruits and vegetables is recommended. These natural foods are an essential part of a nutritious diet and feature in all recommendations for a healthy diet. When fruits and vegetables are used to replace processed food and junk food, the positive effect is magnified. In such a situation, the individual will be eliminating poor quality foods from the system and adding high quality nutrition to replace it. This is a good situation regardless of whether the individual is on a diet for weight loss.

A diet for weight loss and muscle gain is based on higher protein than a normal healthy diet. This is because protein is the raw material that is used to build muscle tissue. It goes without saying that the individual must be on a strict exercise regime if muscle building is a priority. A diet for weight loss and muscle gain can help improve the individual’s stamina as well as physical condition. Weight loss usually takes precedence over muscle building at the initial stage of a diet for weight loss and muscle gain. This is because the individual first needs to get into some sort of shape before the muscles start building themselves up.

Individuals should realize that there is no quick fix for weight loss or, in fact, for a healthy diet. Diet food plans and diet food recipes are available all over the world using the internet or using various publications. A generally sound recommendation is to avoid crash dieting and to avoid radical diet food plans. These plans are extremely specific and can cause problems for some individuals while working well for others. A more balanced diet which is a nutritious diet is recommended as this will help the individual achieve his or her body’s potential through exercise and healthy eating. It is a great idea to embark on a healthy diet. The changes in the health of the individual will be almost immediately perceivable. Over a period of time, a healthy diet helps to build up immunity, strength, stamina and general health, all of which are desirable attributes for any individual.

Is General Motors Diet Safe?

The General Motors diet was devised by General Motors Ltd solely for its employees, to keep them fit and healthy. The GM Diet advocates the intake of certain foods for a seven day period that supply all the nutrients required by the body, while helping you to cut down of body fat.

Generally speaking, the GM diet is healthy. However, it is a good idea to listen to your body when you are following any strict dietary regimen. If you feel dizzy, fatigued, or nauseous, perhaps this diet is not for you. Another caveat is that the General Motors Diet should not be followed by pregnant women or those suffering from any illness.

Is Low Carb Diet Good For Pcos?

PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition caused by an imbalance in female sex hormones leading to irregular menstruation, cysts in the ovary, skin problems, and difficulty in conceiving.

In order to cure PCOS, you must follow a low carb PCOS diet plan which lowers the intake of carbohydrates. A low carb diet for PCOS will lower blood sugar levels and also help reduce body weight. As such, this will help in getting rid of the accumulation of unwanted matter in the ovary and also help with flushing out the cysts in the ovary. If you suffer from PCOS you must avoid consuming potatoes, bananas, whole grains, and animal fat.

Do consult a doctor for expert advice and follow the prescribed treatment.

What Foods To Avoid During Summer?

In summer, the hot climate changes the requirements of your body in terms of nutrition. Your diet during summer must include a lot of fruits and vegetables to supply fluid to your body and at the same time, keep your body cool. These foods will also provide vitamins and minerals which are lost as a result of excessive perspiration.

You must avoid consuming foods that are rich in carbohydrates and fats during summer. Some of the foods to avoid during summer include potato, banana, whole grains, cheese, poultry, and red meat. You should also avoid carbonated drinks, alcohol, and canned foods.

What To Eat For Underactive And Overactive Thyroid?

The thyroid gland is one of the largest endocrine glands. It helps in food metabolism, thereby promoting proper growth and development.

Due to hyperactivity of the thyroid glands, there is excess production of T3 and T4 hormones, causing goiter and other auto-immune diseases. The foods to be consumed as a part of an overactive thyroid diet are cabbage, turnip, cauliflower, green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale, Brussels sprouts, sorghum, and millets.

At the other end of the spectrum, hypothyroidism occurs when there is restricted production of T3 and T4 hormones causing abnormal weight gain, cold intolerance, baldness, and tiredness. The foods to be eaten as part of an underactive thyroid diet are milk, seafood, yogurt, seaweed, and kelp.
Submitted on January 16, 2014