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Whole Food Supplements Benefits

Whole food supplements in the form of pills, supplement powders, shakes, liquids, gel tablets, and so on offer an alternative to other dietary supplements, which may contain isolated vitamins, minerals, or amino acids. Whole food supplements, on the other hand, market themselves as products that contain ingredients from whole food, and more importantly, these ingredients come from natural foods. Some also promote themselves with an organic label, assuring all the benefits of natural food. Their benefits may prove more useful, since these products do not break down natural foods or isolate only certain vitamins, minerals, folates, and so on through any chemical process. There are no synthetic vitamins or amino acid compounds in it.

For example, you may derive whole food supplements benefits from products such as cod liver oil capsules, multivitamins or vitamin tablets made from fresh fruits and vegetables, and juices squeezed from wheat grass or alfa alfa.

Whole food nutritional supplements made from sea vegetables such as kelp may also provide health benefits for people with thyroid problems, iodine or iron deficiency. Whole food nutritional supplements health benefits also include being an anti-inflammatory product to fight the risk of cancer. As far as possible, it is best to get your daily nutrition from a variety of natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, poultry, meat, seafood, dairy and dairy products. Essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber from whole foods are easily digestible. Even medical experts believe that whole foods in their natural state provide better benefits than isolated compounds.

Dietary voids maybe possible due to certain food restrictions, allergic reactions, food intolerance, and so on. To fulfill this dietary gap, your doctor or nutritionist may recommend the use of dietary supplements. They use concentrated ingredients from whole foods without resorting to any chemical processes. Thus, they retain the natural nutrient value without any additives or preservatives. However, not all supplements are created equal. You may want to talk to your doctor before taking any supplements. Read the label carefully to ensure that you are consuming whole food vitamins, trace minerals, phytonutrients, and so on, instead of isolated vitamins such as thiamin, niacin, beta-carotene, glutamic acid, ascorbic acid, and so on.

Here are a few reasons why you should choose whole food supplements:

  • Bioavailability is the most important reason to choose them over synthetic supplements. Bioavailability refers to the readily available micro and macronutrients in natural foods, which can be easily digested and absorbed by the body. Additionally, they do not contain toxic compounds or by products, which may cause side effects.
  • Some supplements offer the same health benefits as recommended servings of fruits and vegetables. For weight loss; they work more effectively, since you can consume supplements equivalent to a serving of fruit or vegetable. You can derive all the benefits of whole foods without the added calories.
  • For children; they are particularly useful when you are dealing with a picky eater. If your child is missing the nutritional benefits of whole foods, introducing a supplement in the form of shakes or smoothies, pills, or liquids may help bridge the nutritional gap.
  • For women, especially pregnant, breast-feeding or menopausal women, may provide plenty of health benefits. Women may find these in the form of vitamin and iron supplements particularly useful.
  • Children and adults with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyper activity Disorder) may show symptoms such as loss of concentration, memory, aggressive behavior and lack of impulse control. Doctors usually recommend avoiding or limiting processed foods, caffeinated beverages, refined food products, and high calorie or high sugar foods for individuals with ADHD. Whole foods in the form of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, lean meat, fish, dried nuts, and seeds may help individuals effectively tackle the symptoms of ADHD. Whole food based supplements for ADHD can provide much of the same benefits as whole foods. Whole food supplements providing the benefits of magnesium, zinc, omega 3 fatty acids may influence the functioning of the central nervous system in patients with ADHD.

Various whole food supplements:

Whole foods natural supplements come in a wide variety of options. Since they are made from natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, herbs, seafood, whole grains, and so on, you can expect whole foods dietary supplements to use all these natural food ingredients. However, do not be fooled by the label. Some whole foods dietary supplements may use one or two natural ingredients and contain preservatives or additives. When you pick up whole foods supplements, it is best to read the list of ingredients. They should list the natural foods, from which ingredients have been derived such as cod liver oil, oatmeal, whole wheat, and wheat grass, and so on, instead of beta-carotene, ascorbic acid, thiamine, or isolated amino acids.

Here is a list of different kinds of whole foods supplements that you are likely to encounter at specialty or gourmet stores:

Whole Foods Vitamin supplements

Individuals choose whole foods vitamin supplements over synthetic supplements because whole foods have a more complex molecular structure. For instance, oranges provide vitamin C along with a bunch of other essential micronutrients such as calcium and phytonutrients such as beta-carotene. Supplements, which list isolated compounds like ascorbic acid, may not provide the variety of micronutrients your body needs. Whole foods vitamin supplements use concentrated ingredients from whole foods such as leafy green, broccoli, spinach, asparagus, mustard greens, papaya, watermelons, bananas, and so on. These are essential for children and adults of all ages, pregnant or nursing women, and convalescing patients.

Whole Foods Calcium Supplements

Whole foods for calcium include dairy and dairy products, vegetables like kale, bok choy, Swiss chard, spinach, okra, legumes such as garbanzo beans, pinto beans, navy beans, black eyed peas, and seafood such as clams, crabs, rainbow trout, sardines, and salmon. Whole foods calcium supplements include ingredients from the list above and more. Calcium supplements usually come in different types of calcium compounds such as glutamate, carbonate, phosphate, citrate, and so on. Talk to your doctor about whole foods calcium supplements for healthy bones. Choose calcium compounds that can be easily absorbed by the body. In addition to whole foods calcium supplements, also ask about vitamin D supplements. Calcium and vitamin D are essential in combination for better synthesis.

Whole Foods Iron Supplements

Iron supplements may be prescribed by your doctor if you are suffering from anemia. Pregnant women maybe recommended whole foods iron supplements during pregnancy along with folates essential for DNA development of the fetus. Dietary and medicinal uses of whole foods iron supplements ensures that individuals do not suffer from symptoms arising out of iron deficiency. Traditional source of whole foods iron supplements may include ingredients from animal proteins such as seafood, chicken liver, beef and pork tenderloin, and so on. In plant sources, iron maybe derived from beans and lentils, dark, leafy green such as spinach, and so on. Great sources of whole foods iron supplements include sea vegetables such as kelp, soybeans, soymilk, or soy curd (tofu).

Whole Foods Fiber Supplements

Whole foods include whole grains such as whole wheat, grains such as rye, millet, barley, brown rice, oatmeal and oat bran, whole-wheat pasta and ancient grains such as quinoa. Fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, also provide daily, recommended dietary fiber. Whole foods fiber supplements maybe recommended to individuals whose diet does not provide him/her with the required amount of dietary fiber. For instance, in case of individuals who cannot consume wheat products due to a gluten allergy or intolerance maybe recommended whole foods fiber supplements from other products that are gluten free. Individuals whose bodies absorb or excrete fiber differently may also require whole foods fiber supplements.

Whole Foods Herbal Supplements

Well-known garden herbs such as rosemary, thyme, basil, oregano, and mint used for everyday garnish or exotic herbs such as green tea, lemon grass, ginseng, and so on are also used as extracts in whole foods herbal supplements. In the form of pills, powder, loose tea leaves and herbal teas, whole foods herbal supplements provide many of the essential nutrients plus antioxidants to boost the immune system and fight diseases.

Whole Foods Probiotic Supplements

Whole foods probiotic supplements include diary products such as flavored and unflavored yogurt with added probiotics for better digestion, relief from constipation and better gut health. Live microorganisms in whole foods probiotic supplements can help balance and regulate healthy versus unhealthy bacteria in the digestive tract. For individuals with lactose intolerance, yogurt or whey products may also isolate the proteins, which cause reactions. Soy curds with probiotics are another alternative for individuals with lactose intolerance.

Whole Foods Fish Oil Supplements

Whole foods fish oil supplements include products such as cod liver oil supplements and fish oil supplements made from ingredients distilled from cold water, sea water fish, and so on. Apart from seafood and fish oil supplements, you may also consider including whole foods omega 3 supplements. Omega 3 fatty acids are good for heart health and cholesterol. They maybe distilled from seafood or plant sources such as nuts and seeds, some fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and polyunsaturated fatty acids from oils such as canola oil, grape seed oil, olive oil, and so on.
Submitted on January 16, 2014