Treat Superficial Varicose Veins With Effective Home Remedies
Veins are the numerous blood vessels in the body that carry deoxygenated blood to the heart. Varicose veins is a condition that is caused when the thin walls of the veins become weak. When this happens, the blood then, instead of being transported to the heart now flows back; which ultimately leads to congestion. Even though this condition could occur on any given part of one’s body, the legs tend to be the area that is most susceptible. Some of the reasons that can bring about this condition include obesity, sedentary lifestyle and standing for prolonged periods of time. One of the first symptoms of this condition is the appearance of a swelling on the path of the veins. Muscular cramps and a general feeling of fatigue in the legs will then follow.
Simple Home Remedies For Varicose Veins
This condition can be treated with a few simple home remedies. A mixture of spinach and carrot juice is considered to be one of the most effective methods of treating varicose veins. Mix together spinach juice (200 ml) and carrot juice (300 ml) and have the mixture once a day. Apply 2-3 drops of vitamin oil on the varicose veins daily. As an alternative one could also apply witch hazel tea on the affected veins. Marigold can also be used in treating varicose veins. A few flowers of this plant can be applied on the veins, as they are known to be a great remedy for ulcerated or inflamed conditions. A compress that has been made from the leaves of the plant could also be applied on the veins, this will be equally effective.
Take some almond oil (4 ounces) and to this add twelve drops each of rosemary and cypress essential oils. This mixture of the oils should then be gently massaged onto the affected area using upward motions, once a day. A few drops of rosemary oil can also be massaged on the area daily; this is also known to work well on this condition. Cold packs or cold water can also be applied on to the affected area regularly.
Certain vitamins, particularly E and C have been found to be highly effective in treating this disease. Consuming foods that are rich in both these vitamins would thus be very beneficial. White sugar and white wheat, strong tea or coffee, alcohol, potatoes, starchy foods and condiments should be strictly avoided by people facing this condition.