Home Remedies for Foul Smelling Stools
It is quite normal for stools to have an unpleasant odor. In most cases, stools are related to what you eat. Foul smelling feces are generally a result of an unhealthy diet – a diet that includes liquids with artificial flavors, white flour, hormone-filled meat, or refined sugar. However, if your stools have a highly offensive odor, it may be a sign of certain medical problems. Foul smelling stools could occur, because of floating stools, which are soft, odorous and difficult to flush away. This could be due to increased fat in the stools, called steatorrhea. In some cases, the stools may be pale in color.
Floating stools normally occur because of eating a meal that is high in fat. However, regularly occurring floating stools could be a sign of an underlying disorder. Natural home treatments are a preferable alternative, for cleansing the gastro-intestinal system and reducing the strong odor. Herbal remedies are known to be very effective in dealing with this problem. Herbs like milk thistle and Galium aperine are useful cleansing agents. Other herbs that help in flushing out the colon are cascara sagrada or bearberry, seed husks, and marshmallow. In addition to that, ingredients like Calcium sulphate and Silica, help in the detoxifying of the gastrointestinal system. You can also have a glass of water with a teaspoon of psyllium husk on a daily basis as this will act as a bulking agent and help to regulate bowel movements.
Tips to prevent foul smelling stools:
- Drink a lot of water (at least eight glasses a day), fresh juices or hot tea. This will assist in the absorption process as well as prevent constipation.
- Eat yogurt or other food items that contain live microorganisms, which combat invasive bacteria, thereby decreasing the stool odor.
- Make sure that you eat fruits and other foods that are rich in fiber. This cleanses the colon and helps in preventing odor.
- Increase your magnesium intake, by eating nuts, seeds or green leafy vegetables.
- Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, as these practices normally alter your nutritional balance and disrupt regular bowel movements in the body.
These remedies may help you, on a short-term basis. However, if you continue to have foul-smelling stools, please consult your doctor. In fact, you should call your doctor immediately, in case you also have:
- Black stools or pale stools
- Stomach cramping
- Pain in the abdomen
- Fever
- Blood or mucus in your stools
- Stools that float or are difficult to flush
- Severe weight loss