Treatment For Increased Liver Enzymes And Liver Cirrhosis
I am 52, female, hypertensive and 200 ibs. I recently have raised levels of liver enzymes and random blood sugar. What can I eat and drink?
The levels of liver enzymes determine the extent of damage and the presence of diseases. SGOT, SGPT, aspartate amino transferase and alanine aminotransferase are certain enzymes that determine the presence of any liver injury. A number of factors are responsible for high levels of liver enzymes. Gall bladder disease or stone in the gall bladder is one of the common causes of high liver enzyme concentration. Hepatitis or inflammation of the liver also results in increase in the liver enzyme levels. Hepatitis C is a common disease, caused by sexual intercourse, sharing needles, unprotected sex with many individuals and unsterilized equipment used for tattoos. Certain metabolic diseases of the liver, such as Wilson’s disease or hemochromatosis and autoimmune disorders like primary biliary cirrhosis, autoimmune hepatitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis are contributing factors for high enzyme level in the liver. Common causes include diabetes, alcohol consumption, increase in triglyceride level, gall stone, tumor of the bile duct, pancreas or liver and obesity. Intake of medicines such as antibiotics, non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs, anti seizure medications and cholesterol medications result in an enzyme increase.
Measures For Controlling Increased Liver Enzymes
You have not provided information regarding your blood glucose levels. A healthy diet with supplements helps to prevent any fluctuations in the enzyme levels. Eat at regular intervals and do not skip any meals. Decrease the intake of refined foods. Increase the intake of raw vegetables and fresh fruits. Avoid mango, jackfruit, sapota, grapes and banana, in case of high blood glucose levels. Processed and tinned foods are better avoided, as they also have a high salt concentration, which is not recommended for hypertensive. Junk foods such as pizzas, burgers, chips and wafers are not preferred, as they contribute to high number of calories.
Restrict the intake of turkey and chicken, as these contain steroids, growth hormones and antibiotics, which might harm the liver, by increasing the workload. Limit the intake of whole milk and dairy products. Soy milk and related foods are beneficial. Low fat cottage cheese is good for hypertensive and diabetics. Deep fried and fatty foods, especially with carbonated beverages are a clear ‘no-no’. Jalapenos and olives that are dipped in brine are avoided. Saturated fats such as margarine, lard and butter are not suitable for sandwiches and salads. Do not go in for any kind of spreads. About two litres of water proves beneficial in flushing off the toxins and other drug metabolites.
Elevated liver enzymes
Elevated liver enzymes may suggest an inflammation or cellular damage in the liver. Elevated liver enzymes are difficult to diagnose unless you undertake particular liver function tests under the supervision of your doctor. Sometime due to injury or trauma, elevated liver enzymes maybe observed in blood tests. Due to inflammation or injury, liver cells may leak increased liver enzymes in blood, which will reflect in a blood test. Elevated liver enzymes maybe noted during pregnancy or in the case of individuals who habitually abuse alcohol. Elevated liver enzymes do not necessarily indicate chronic disease or damage.
Due to certain conditions, you may notice high liver enzymes in blood. These may turn out to be mildly elevated and temporary. The two kinds of liver enzymes that maybe elevated include alanine transminase (ALT) and aspartate transminase (AST. Sometimes, your doctor may medically refer to increased liver enzymes as elevated transaminases or transminitis. An increase in ALT liver enzymes over AST indicates liver disorder. However, in the case of an alcoholic liver disorder, you may notice that the AST liver enzymes are high.
Elevated liver enzymes: Symptoms. Increase in liver enzymes maybe symptoms of an injury or trauma to the liver, damaged liver cells, or other liver disorders. If the liver is not functioning optimally, it may lead to a build-up of body waste. Without the liver to filter out this waste, some of it can seep back into the blood stream. The result is itching and skin rashes. Ankle edema and other skin conditions may occur due to liver dysfunction. A case of jaundice may also cause the liver enzymes to be high. Symptoms such as yellowing of skin, white part of the eyes, and mucous membrane may indicate elevated liver enzymes. Other symptoms of high liver enzymes and jaundice include light colored stools and intense yellow colored urine.
Fever, vomiting blood, tenderness, or pain in the liver region is another symptom of increased liver enzymes. You may also experience anemia, foul breath, enlarged spleen, and a distended abdomen. Just as damaged liver cells cause elevated liver enzymes, they may also cause low liver enzymes. Similar symptoms may occur in the case of low liver enzymes. You may take a quick look at various symptoms of elevated liver enzymes via the ICD 9 code (International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision); however, this online reference material may be only used as a guideline for various disease classifications, their symptoms and causes. A careful examination by your doctor and relevant liver tests such as the liver function test should be used to determine the cause and extent of elevated or low liver enzymes. Treatment will depend on the specific cause of the liver enzymes becoming elevated.
Elevated liver enzymes: Causes. Some of the common elevated liver enzymes causes are as follows:
• High levels of triglycerides indicating high cholesterol, and obesity;
• Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease;
• Hepatitis A, B (viral hepatitis) or C (chronic hepatitis);
• Certain prescription medications and over-the-counter pain medications;
• Alcohol, result in fatal liver damage or cirrhosis, liver and kidney failure or alcoholic hepatitis;
• Autoimmune hepatitis or autoimmune disorders related to the liver or bile duct;
• Celiac disease;
• Heart attack;
• Liver cancer or other cancerous growths and tumors and pancreatitis;
• Wilson’s disease;
• Crohn’s disease;
• Hyperthyroidism;
• A nervous system collapse resulting from sudden shock or trauma;
• Muscular dystrophy;
• Diabetes;
• Gallbladder inflammation or gallstones; and
• Adrenal gland dysfunction, resulting in hormonal imbalance.
These are just some of the causes of elevated liver enzymes. A host of other conditions may lead to a high liver enzymes count in the blood.
Elevated liver enzymes in pregnancy. Increased liver enzymes during pregnancy may occur due to hereditary liver disorders and viral hepatitis, which can prove fatal to both mother and infant. Elevated liver enzymes during pregnancy may occur due to medical conditions such as ICP (Intrahepatic Choletasis of Pregnancy) and HELLP syndrome. This acronym stands for the breakdown of red blood cells (hemolysis), elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets (low chance of blood clotting). In most cases, pregnancy hormones, immune disorders, and a family history of liver problems cause high liver enzymes in pregnancy and related conditions. Hormonal imbalances during pregnancy may also increase the risk of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, causing increased liver enzymes in pregnancy.
Elevated liver enzymes in children. In the case of increased liver enzymes in children, further blood tests maybe conducted to determine if the cause is a family history of the disease or other juvenile liver disorders. Hemachromatosis, a medical condition in which there is an excess build-up of iron in the liver may cause elevated liver enzymes in children. High liver enzymes in children may also result from viral infections, ulcerative colitis, or an accidental overdose of medication. Elevated liver enzymes in children may occur because of overdose of painkillers, vitamin supplements, or even poisoning from household cleaners.
Elevated liver enzymes: Treatment. Once the cause of elevated liver enzymes has been determined, your doctor may recommend further tests specific to your condition. High liver enzyme treatment may focus on a combination of oral medication and diet. In the case of obesity, certain lifestyle changes such as incorporating fitness into your daily schedule maybe necessary. Low liver enzymes and associated conditions maybe treated by diagnosis through tests such as an ultra-scan and liver function tests measuring albumin, bilirubin, and other liver enzymes. Cholesterol and total protein tests may also be required to determine cause of decreased liver enzymes.
Elevated liver enzymes diet. Diet for elevated liver enzymes must constitute a well-balanced mix of fresh vegetables, fruits, meats, seafood, and diary products. A healthy diet will ensure that there are no sudden fluctuations in the liver enzyme levels. You should eat moderate portions at regular intervals to aid better digestion and metabolism. This also means that you are not over burdening your liver and kidneys. Apart from exercise, care should be taken to formulate a diet for high liver enzymes. If you suffer from diabetes, avoid high glucose fruits such as mango, banana and grapes. For individuals suffering from cardiovascular conditions, it is best to limit the intake of processed and tinned foods to eliminate excess sodium and sugar. Refined flour and products made from it such as cakes, pastries, cookies, and all kinds of junk food may be avoided to reduce the calories intake.
Carbonated beverages, alcohol and alcoholic drinks are off limits as well. A high liver enzymes diet recommends mono saturated fats and foods with zero trans fat. Avoid all spicy, fatty, and fried foods. While lean meats such as chicken, turkey, and egg whites maybe part of the liver enzymes diet, limit the intake of processed meats such as bacon, ham, salami, and pastrami. Low fat diary products, soy-based products and sea food with essential omega-3 fatty acids maybe consumed. A moderate intake of fluids such as water and natural juices will help flush of toxins from the body and aid bowel movement.
Since signs and symptoms of elevated liver enzymes may not be noticeable immediately; hence, a regular check up with your doctor is essential, especially for children, pregnant or menopausal women, and all adults who are at a risk of contracting diseases such as high cholesterol, diabetes, heart conditions and so on.