Alternative Treatment for Hypothyroid
Hypothyroidism refers to the reduction in the synthesis of the thyroid hormone. When not treated, hypothyroidism results in high cholesterol levels, which in turn causes hear attack. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is one of the common causes of hypothyroidism, wherein the immune system attacks the tissue, thereby decreasing the secretion.
Giddiness is a common symptom of hypothyroidism. Check out with your physician regarding the drugs, as your levels are under control.
Hypothyroid Symptoms Treatment
Certain general guidelines for giddiness are:
- Do not give sudden jerks, or turn suddenly.
- Do not stand up, all of a sudden.
- Avoid the intake of certain medications used for mood swings.
- Abstinence from alcohol and smoking helps.
- A simple and balanced diet with less spices, prove beneficial.
- Tobacco and narcotic drugs are not recommended.
- A decoction made with drumstick leaves is added to lemon juice and consumed for seven days.
- Take care while ascending or descending the stairs. Nausea is common with giddiness.
- The individual feels the rotation of objects around. So, it is better not to leave such individuals alone.
- Do not operate any machinery.
- An active lifestyle proves beneficial.
A healthy diet helps in overall well being. Natural foods enhance the fiber in the diet. Seafood and lean protein are good for health. Avoid red meat, as they are marbled with fat. Selenium, in the form of lean meta and Brazil nuts are helpful, in the conversion of T4 to T3, which is the active form.
Light headedness or fainting is common in many individual, especially in senescence. Giddiness is also possible due to certain metabolic disorders. Lack of food is not the causative factor, if your giddiness recurs. Hypertension or high blood pressure also results in giddiness or fainting. Camphor oil is used as an inhalant. Inhalation of essential oils such as lavender and peppermint also proves beneficial.
Stugeron and vertin helps to regulate certain disorders of vestibular (central and peripheral) origin. This includes tinnitus, dizziness, vomiting, nausea, vertigo and nystagmus. Vertin 16 is a betahistine, used in the treatment of giddiness and tinnitus or ringing in the ears. Side effects of vertin 16 are headache and abdominal discomfort. Stugeron causes certain side effects such as drowsiness, stomach upset and so on. Cinnarizine is the active ingredient in stugeron, which helps to control inner ear disturbances. Other side effects are sweating, weight gain, headache, jaundice, twitches, tremors and dry mouth. Thyroid hormone deficiency also results in certain symptoms, such as enlarged thyroid, dry skin, intolerance to cold, dry nail and recurrent infections. Improper dosage of drugs also gives rise to complications. If your giddiness is devoid of any of the above said symptoms, take the guidance of your physician.
Hypothyroidism Treatment
Hypothyroidism is a condition that is caused when the thyroid production in the body is abnormally low. There are many disorders that can cause hypothyroidism. Such disorders may involve thyroid directly or indirectly. The thyroid gland is mainly responsible for growth and development and many cellular processes as well. If the thyroid production is inadequate, it can have very severe consequences for the body. Thyroid hormones are the hormones that are produced by the thyroid gland. The gland itself is located in the neck region and wraps around the trachea. This butterfly shaped gland requires iodine to produce the hormones. However, if the body is deficient in iodine, the gland is not able to produce hormones adequately.
The treatment for hypothyroidism may require stimulation of the gland. Hypothyroidism treatment is usually determined by the condition that causes the malfunction of the thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism is a very common condition, and it is believed that 3% to 5% of people all over the world experience this condition in some form or another. Women are more susceptible to this condition than men. The condition also worsens with age. Some of the conditions that can lead to hypothyroidism are Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, lymphocytic thyroiditis, destruction of thyroid gland due to autoimmune disorders, surgery or radioactive iodine, disease of the pituitary gland, severe deficiency of iodine, and certain medications. Most of these conditions are manageable with the right treatment and lifelong medication. Some of the conditions that are inherited may not be treatable very easily. However, with the right kind of medical care, the symptoms of hypothyroidism can be controlled to a large extent. Hypothyroid treatment is usually performed in phases. In case, you are experiencing hypothyroidism as a symptom of the treatment of hyperthyroidism, reducing the dosage of medications can treat the condition automatically. There are many hypothyroid treatment alternatives as well, some of which include aromatherapy and acupuncture.
Severe iodine deficiency may occur in people who do not consume adequate iodine in their diet. If the hypothyroidism is caused due to deficiency of iodine, taking iodine supplements can show a lot of change in the condition. Except for certain specific conditions, the treatment of hypothyroid requires lifelong therapy. The traditional treatment of hypothyroid was done through desiccated thyroid tablets. An alternative treatment for hypothyroidism is acupuncture, but this should be used only after exhausting all possible medical treatments. With lifelong treatment, a hypothyroid can be managed. The symptoms can disappear within a few months of treatment, and when the treatment is continued, growth can be achieved to a certain extent. Yoga may have a hypothyroid exercise routine with which you can manage your metabolism as well as your weight. The most modern method of treatment today is synthetic levothyroxine or T4. This treatment became popular after the desiccated thyroid gland tablets manufactured from the glands of animals were discontinued. Presently, synthetic T4 is widely available and is considered an excellent treatment for hypothyroidism.
A hypothyroid can cause exercise intolerance. There are many hypothyroid treatment alternatives that can help you overcome such symptoms and lead a normal life. Hypothyroidism can cause slowing down of metabolism, which leads to obesity, and may even cause dwarfism in people. Although the thyroid gland synthesizes the hormone T3 the most, most doctors prescribe T4 as the treatment. This is because T4 is usually appropriate for a majority of patients. T3 requires a lot of indications for its use and therefore, is not safe for being used unsupervised. T4 is a more stable hormone and therefore, is preferred by doctors as well. Hypothyroid treatment in women is the same as that of men. There are natural treatments of hypothyroid as well. There are treatments that you can choose from the many different hypothyroid treatment options that are available. Different options can offer you different hypothyroid treatment results. Although hypothyroid treatment with natural methods is also performed, hypothyroid treatment with drugs is considered to be most responsive. Homeopathic treatment for hypothyroidism is finding favor with many patients. However, the treatment takes a lot of time and therefore, can be very slow. Hypothyroidism treatment with iodine may be done when the cause of the disease is iodine deficiency.
Since hypothyroidism is associated with weight gain, the treatment for hypothyroidism may cause weight loss as well. Treatment for hypothyroidism in children may be similar to that of adults. For most children, the dosages of medications are larger. Treatment for hypothyroidism in pregnancy may be determined by the doctor you are seeing. If you are using very harsh medications, it is possible that your doctor may ask you to stop taking those and give you some other medications instead. As mentioned earlier, treatment for hypothyroidism in women is the same as that in men. However, since women are more susceptible to this condition, their treatment may be a little more prolonged. Vertin, which is a betahistine, is used for the treatment of vertigo, tinnitus, nausea, and hearing loss associated with Ménière´s syndrome. The doctor may prescribe you vertin 16 tablets. Vertin 16 mg is a heavy dose medication to cure the symptoms of hypothyroidism.
The treatment of hypothyroidism is intensive, but usually you do not need more than one dose of medication. If you are consuming T4 medications, you need only one tablet a day. However, if your doctor has prescribed you the less stable T3 version of medications, you will need to take the medication multiple times during the day. T4 medication given for the treatment of hypothyroid spontaneously converts into T3. The conversion of T4 from T3 is performed naturally within the tissues of the organs. The conversion is also regulated appropriately to have the requisite effect on the gland. Thyroid replacement therapy may have side effects for some patients. For instance, in patients who have a known preexisting heart condition, thyroid replacement therapy may aggravate the condition. For patients, who are at a high risk of developing heart diseases, the medications for hypothyroidism may cause the uncovering of heart problems. The therapy for thyroid gland disorders is monitored regularly after 6 week intervals.