Symptoms of PMS and Menstruation and Depression
Depression is one of the common symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). PMS is characterized by certain hormonal changes which trigger some destructive symptoms in many women for up to 1 or 2 weeks prior to menstruation. It is very common for at least 3 out of 4 women to have PMS.
You may be suffering from premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) as you have mentioned that you have a severe form of depression. PMDD is a form of severe depression exclusive to women due to monthly hormonal changes. In this disorder the symptoms of depression and other symptoms are same like in case of PMS but are more deliberating and severe. The symptoms usually occur in the last week of your menstrual cycle and tend to improve within few days as you start menstruating. If you have 5 or more from the listed below symptoms you may have PMDD –
- Feeling hopelessness, severe sadness, severe depression or even possible mild suicidal thoughts
- Panic attacks
- Mood swings with marked period of teariness
- Feeling of anxiety or tension
- Low energy or fatigue
- Problem in concentrating
- Sleep disturbances
- Binge eating or craving for certain foods
- Out of control feeling
- Persistent anger or irritability that not only affects you but others too
- No interest in relationships or daily activities
- Some physical symptoms like breast tenderness, bloating, joint or muscle pain and headaches
Pre-Menstrual Tension and Menstruation and Anxiety
If you feel severely depressed along with the above symptoms check with your specialist for a possible treatment. As there are no lab tests or physical findings for PMDD or PMS, your specialist will be the best person to guide you according to your complete case history. However if you experience mild depression or only one or two of the above symptoms then try the following methods to deal with your PMS –
- Calcium is an important nutrient for all ages of women to prevent any bone related diseases. Many researches have also proved that incorporating 1200 mg of calcium in your daily diet can help to reduce more than half of the symptoms of PMS, from depression to headaches and menstrual cramps.
- Exercise or increase your physical activity as it is a best solution to reduce your PMS symptoms including severe depression. Exercise will help to relieve stress, tension, elevate your mood, improve blood circulation and give a general feeling of well being.
- Certain dietary changes like focusing on complex carbohydrates and proteins and reducing the intake of simple sugars, fatty foods, junk foods and processed foods shall also help. A vegetarian diet is promoted and intake of salt, alcohol, tobacco is discouraged.
- Alternative treatments like yoga, breathing techniques and meditation can also be helpful to deal with severe depression.