Herbal Treatment For Hypertension
Hypertension or high blood pressure is refereed to as a silent killer, which can in turn lead to various complications, such as heart attack, stroke, renal failure and cardiac failure. The main objective of treatment is to decrease the blood pressure and protect the organs such as the kidney, heart and brain. Hypertension treatment helps in the reduction of cardiac failure by 50 per cent. It also further reduces the incidence of stroke by 35 to 40 percent and heart attack by 20 to 25 percent. The normal blood pressure is 120/80mm/Hg. Hypertension is said to occur, when the blood pressure increases to 140/99 mm/Hg. Stage I hypertension is when the pressure levels ranges from 140-159/90-99 mm/Hg and Stage II hypertension is between 160 or more/100 or more mm/Hg. Treatment of hypertension involves dietary modification, drug therapy and lifestyle changes.
Treatment Guidelines For Hypertension
Use of DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet proves beneficial. This is a low fat, low salt and high fiber diet. Include a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables with whole grains, nuts, fish, poultry and nuts. Reduce the intake of cholesterol, total fat and saturated fat. Substitute the intake of red meat with lean meat. Foods rich in calcium, potassium and magnesium are useful. Deskinned poultry, egg white and fish are beneficial. Non fat dressings and spreads with skimmed milk are helpful. Restriction of salt is around 2,300 mg per day, which is further reduced to 1,500 milligrams, on a daily basis. Opt for healthy snacks, such as unsalted and fat free popcorn, cherry tomatoes, baby carrots, unsalted pretzels, raisins and fat free yoghurt. Research also reveals the positive association between a vegetarian diet and low blood pressure levels. Complex carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, vitamins A and C, polyunsaturated fats and dietary fiber are the favorable factors in a vegetarian diet, which keeps the blood pressure at bay.
About seven to eight servings, each of vegetables and fruits are helpful. Restrict the intake of fat and animal foods to less than two servings. Try to limit he intake of sweets to less than five servings, on a weekly basis. Lifestyle modifications involve abstinence from smoking, restriction of alcohol intake and regular workouts. A regular aerobic session, on a daily basis helps in maintenance of body weight, which further reduces the risk of hypertension. Drug therapy involves the usage of beta blockers, Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE), calcium channel blockers, diuretics and Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARB).