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Treating Food Allergies In Kids
Submitted by Stella Morgan on November 9, 2009
An allergy is an ailment of the immune system. When a foreign body, scientifically termed as an antigen, enters the body and the immune system fails to form antibodies, the condition is referred to as an allergy. These foreign particles are then termed allergens. Allergens may be pollen, dust particles, and certain foods. Common allergic reactions include fever, asthma, eczema, hay fever, and food allergies. Some of the common food allergens are eggs, chocolate, peanuts, cow�s milk, medicines, and soya bean.
The symptoms of food allergies include coughing, dizziness, migraine, depression, edema, dark circles around eyes, irritability, sneezing, vomiting, wheezing, running nose, and shortness of breath. Allergies can affect people of all ages and health states. Children are very prone to food allergies as their immune system is comparatively weaker. A dietary regime to treat allergies in children must have following the inclusions and exclusions: The consumption of the juices of carrots, cucumbers, and beet is recommended to treat food allergies in children. Children must be given two bananas a day so as to cure the food allergies affecting the skin and digestive tract. However, do keep in mind that some children may be highly sensitive to bananas as well.
Fresh fruit juices are a must for children affected with food allergies as fruit juices contain essential vitamins and minerals that enhance the resistance of the body. Fruits like grapes and apples are effective in curing food allergies in children. Keep a check on their intake of chocolates and complex sugars. Children must not be given foods with high protein and calorie content. Hence, foods like fish and chicken must be restricted in the diet of children affected by food allergies. Children must not be given processed and canned foods. Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit must form a part of the diet of children suffering from food allergies. Children must be given two to five slices of garlic on a daily basis. Other than a specific diet, there are some natural remedies to cure food allergies in children, some of which are listed as follows: Children may be given any fruit or vegetable juice or plain water with five drops of castor oil every morning to cure food allergies afflicting the intestinal tracts, skin, and nasal passages. Children may also consume chamomile tea to cure food allergies. Food allergies in children can be relieved by these natural remedies, but in some cases, the allergy may persist for a long time.
In such cases it is advisable to consult a doctor.
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