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Know Which Foods Are Suitable For Your Blood Type

Do you know that for different blood groups, there are also different suitable diets which should be followed? Yes, this is true. The term for this is blood type diet. This suggests that people with different blood types have different diet needs. This was proposed by Dr. Peter J.

D'Adamo. He has been basing this diet on the assumption that each blood type owns an antigen marker. When a person eats a certain food, the antigen marker of his blood type might not like it and will react negatively. On the other hand, the varied level of acidity and enzymes in a person's stomach are also related with his blood type.

When you follow a blood type diet, you will be provided with a diet plan. You will be guided accordingly; down to the foods that you will eat, your intake amount and the schedule of your meals. Aside from providing healthy foods for your body, you will also be benefited with weight loss control.

The following are just some of the foods which are ideal for your blood type. However, before you follow a blood type plan, you should ask your specialist or a dietitian if the food group is suitable for you.

  • Type A

    If you belong to this blood group, you should consider being a vegetarian. You should only eat fruits and vegetables as your source of vitamins. Your source of protein should not come from meat, you should only eat sea foods, tofu, beans and legumes. Weight loss is aided with pineapple, soy foods and vegetable oil.
  • Type B

    When you have this blood type, you need to have a balanced diet. If you want to eat meat, you should not include chicken. Eat fruits and vegetables. These are good if you are trying to lose weight. You also need dairy products, beans and legumes. Tea, licorice, eggs, liver and venison are also good for weight loss. Avoid eating too much peanuts, corn, wheat and protein enriched foods. This food group will only destroy your weight loss plan.
  • Type O

    When you are within this blood group, you need high protein. Of course, fruits and vegetables are present because this food group is essential for most people. Although, you have to avoid eating a lot of cabbage, lentils, cauliflower and Brussels sprout to maintain your weight loss diet. Limit your intake of beans, legumes and grains. Sea foods, red meat, spinach, kelp and liver are just some of the foods which are effective for losing weight.
  • Type AB

    When you are under this special blood type, your blood type diet should be about taking foods into moderation. Have a little of meat, vegetables, fruits, dairy, grains, tofu, legumes and beans. If you want to lose weight, you can focus on sea foods, green vegetables, pineapple, tofu and dairy. Plus, you also have to stay clear from red meat, corn and, Lima and kidney beans.

Blood Type Diet Foods

The term blood type refers to the genetically determined classification of the blood based on antigenic substances found in the blood of an individual. The current most popular form of blood group classification uses the ABO blood type distinction and the Rh blood group system in combination with each other. The ABO blood type system classifies an individual’s blood as A, B, AB or O. To add to this classification, the Rh system uses a positive or negative sign to assign a type to each individual. The Rh type of the blood of an individual is important when it comes to blood transfusions. It is also extremely important when it comes to the health of the fetus and the mother during pregnancy. 

The blood type eating plan is a system that has been devised using the blood group of an individual to determine which foods are best for them. The logic behind this plan is that the different blood types of an individual should determine the type of food that is most suited for them to consume. Based on this blood typing, the blood type eating plan has been formulated. There is considerable debate about whether this plan is actually effective or not.

Based on the blood type of an individual, the following blood type diet foods have been recommended for the various different blood types found in humans.

The blood type A eating plan is based on a vegetarian eating plan. The blood type A eating plan suggests that individuals of this blood type should avoid meat and dairy products. Individuals following the blood type A eating plan need to consume plenty of vegetables, beans, legumes and fruits. Seafood is the exception to the vegetarian nature of the blood type A eating plan. Individuals can consume sea food without any problem when following this blood type eating plan.

The B grouping of blood groups should follow a balanced diet between vegetables and meats according to the blood type diet foods plan. This diet allows the individual to consume meat and dairy products but recommends that one avoids chicken. Grains and beans are also important components of the diet for a B blood group individual. Corn and lentils are listed as foods that should be avoided by an individual of the B blood group.

For individuals of the AB group, the blood type eating plan suggests a mixed diet which is moderated in its quantities. Meat, seafood and dairy products are all important for an individual of this blood type. Red meat and some types of beans should be avoided by an individual following this type of blood type eating plan. Instead, the blood type diet foods should contain beans and legumes as well.

Finally, one comes to the blood type O eating plan. The O blood type is the most common blood type amongst people of the world who have been tested. Some studies suggest that up to 40% of the global population have a blood type of O. There is a significant genetic and racial component to blood typing. Populations in different countries tend to have different ratios of blood groups based on their ethnic and genetic backgrounds.

The blood type O eating plan is a high protein eating plan designed to be for meat eaters. This diet avoids nearly all types of grains such as wheat and corn. Grains can be consumed in small quantities along with beans and legumes. The bulk of the diet should be made up of meats, seafood, fruits and vegetables. This blood type O eating plan is not suited to people who have vegetarian habits.

It is important to note that every blood type eating plan lists fruits and vegetables as an important component. This is a clue to the fact that fruits and vegetables are vitally important for the health of the individual. Fruits and vegetables provide the body with plenty of varied nutrition. This means that the body will gain access to a variety of different vitamins and minerals while being supplied with proteins and carbohydrates.

The blood type eating plan has been postulated in books and readings by a few authors who claim to have discovered certain secrets about lectins in food that are specific to particular ABO blood types. The major criticism of the blood type eating plan is that there have been no clinical trials conducted to substantiate the theories postulated in the writings of authors who are associated with the blood type eating plan. There has been some scientific research done which has produced inconclusive results. Some research has also suggested that there is no correlation between the ABO blood types and the lectin absorption of the body. However, there is some evidence to suggest that there might be some logic behind the blood type eating plan. Therefore, many individuals follow this diet plan, believing it to be the best type of plan suited to their nutritional requirements. A lack of any clinical trials amongst these people is one of the reasons why there is no hard evidence about the blood type eating plan and whether it actually benefits or affects the health of an individual at all. People who follow the blood type eating plan have not been tested against individuals who do not follow the plan but are of the same blood type. Blood type eating remains a popular method of diet moderation, believed by many people to be responsible for good health. Another failing of the blood type eating plan is that it does not prescribe any quantities and does not take into account the weight of the individual. This diet plan does not even take into account the amount of physical exercise being conducted by an individual even though this is an important factor.

Before one seeks to use such a diet plan, it is important to consult with an expert dietician. Dieticians will be able to analyze the nutritional requirements of an individual based on his or her physical characteristics and based on the amount of exercise that is undertaken.

Submitted on January 16, 2014