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Vitamins In Eggs

You can have them boiled, scrambled, fried, poached, or create frittatas stuffed with veggies and cheese - so many varieties to choose from and we are still talking breakfast and eggs! Due to their versatile texture and taste, eggs maybe used in a wide variety of culinary processes like browning, glazing, emulsifying, and foaming. Egg whites and egg yolks are a quintessential part of the baking process. It is what makes flaky dough or smooth batter.

However, the goodness of eggs extends beyond its taste and texture.
Medical experts recommend eggs as part of your daily diet due to its high protein content. Egg proteins are essential for the growth and development of the body. Our body breaks down proteins from eggs into essential amino acids, which are absorbed by the body to promote bone, muscle, and organ development. Although highly recommended to fulfill your body’s protein requirements, vitamins in eggs also play a substantial role in promoting health and development of the body.
Vitamins in eggs. Between the vitamins in egg whites and egg yolks, one serving of egg can provide almost all the various types of vitamins. One serving of egg can also provide the body with essential minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

Listed below are the various types of vitamins in egg and their benefits:

• Eggs contain vitamin A, essential for the overall growth and development of the body. Vitamin A from eggs promotes healthy immune system, cell regeneration and better eyesight.
• You will find nearly all the vitamins from the vitamin B-complex group in eggs. Vitamin B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B5 (panthothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid or folates) and B12 (cobalamin) are all the B vitamins that you can find in eggs. Vitamins in egg whites include vitamins B1 and B2. Both thiamin and riboflavin are essential to convert carbohydrates into energy and provide fuel for bodily functions. Riboflavin is essential for maintaining healthy skin, hair, and vision. It also helps the body provide for its energy needs. Vitamin B5 is essential for metabolism, hemoglobin synthesis, and regulating the nervous system. Pyridoxine helps to regulate hormonal functions, and therefore, it is important for children and young adults to consume eggs and benefit from this vitamin found in whole eggs and egg whites. Folates or folic acids from eggs are especially beneficial to pregnant or lactating women. Folates help the growth and health of DNA and prevent defects during childbirth. Vitamins in eggs also include vitamin B12, which is essential for nerve function and production of red blood cells.
• Which vitamin in eggs is a naturally occurring vitamin and one of its rare natural sources? Vitamin D occurring in egg yolks is one of the few natural sources of this type of vitamin. Mostly, our body makes vitamin D by absorbing sunlight through the skin. Vitamin D helps in the assimilation of minerals such as calcium, iron, and phosphorus promoting healthy bone and dental health.
• Vitamin E found in eggs is essential for healthy skin and bones. Studies reveal that vitamin E in eggs may contain antioxidant properties that can fight certain cancers.

Most weight watchers prefer egg whites to a whole egg since they are concerned about the cholesterol from the egg yolk. However, studies reveal that the egg yolk contains most of the nutrients and you could be losing a lot of vitamins and other essential nutrition by discarding the yolk. Including eggs into your daily diet may help you lose weight since it is an inexpensive and satisfying meal.
Submitted on January 16, 2014