Home Remedies to Remove Marks | How to Get Rid of Birthmarks Naturally

By | June 10, 2010

Home Remedies for Removing Birth Marks on Skin

Birthmarks are colored spots of skin that are present at birth. They may also occur soon after birth. Birthmarks are usually harmless and do not require any kind of treatment. However in some cases medical treatment may be required. Some individuals may also have them removed due to cosmetic reasons.

Birthmarks can be of many types such as port wine stains, which are flat purple or red marks of different shapes and sizes. They usually occur on the face, chest and back and may occur on one side of the body. These marks grow as the child grows and may also take on an uneven surface. Mongolian blue spots are present as black or dark blue marks usually on the lower back and buttocks. These marks may disappear after five years of age. Stock marks are blood vessel marks which are present on the eyelids, forehead and neck. These also tend to disappear as the child grows. The exact cause of birthmarks is not known for certain. It is believed that vascular birthmarks occur due to genetic factors. These marks may occur when problems arise as the capillaries develop in the skin. Stork marks or strawberry marks may result from an excessive growth of cells in the blood vessel lining. Port wine stains are thought to result due to damage of the nerves that regulate the expanding and narrowing of capillaries.

Birthmarks are usually not a cause for concern, however if your birthmark has changed in size, texture or color then it is advisable to consult a dermatologist. Also if there is tenderness or itching on the area of the birthmark, it is best to have it examined. Birth marks are usually treated using laser treatments. Such procedures can significantly lighten a birthmark and even remove it completely in some cases. Natural remedies for the removal of birthmarks may be tried out, but there is no guarantee that they will work. Usually a diet rich in antioxidants is recommended. Selenium and vitamin E supplements are also beneficial for healthy skin. Consult your doctor regarding the daily dosage you need to take. You can also try including plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Application of skin creams containing vitamin E is another way by which you can lighten birthmarks. A face mask made of oatmeal is even known to be helpful in treating birthmarks. Lemon juice has a bleaching effect when applied to the skin and may be effective in lightening birthmarks.