Wheat Germ Foods – Wheat Grass Nutrition Facts For Detoxification

By | June 29, 2009

Wheat Germ Nutritional Value And Benefits Of Wheat Germ

Wheat germ and its nutrients: Wheat germ is that inner part of the grain which helps the new wheat plant to germinate and develop. Although it makes up only 3 to 4 per cent of the wheat kernel, it contains 23 nutrients.

Wheat germ is considered a complete food and is one of the richest sources of nutrients. It is rich in complex carbohydrates, B vitamins such as thiamin, lecithin, niacin, folate and Vitamin B6. It contains Vitamin E, which is an excellent antioxidant, shielding the body from harmful free radicals. It is rich in fiber, which helps smoother bowel movement, and prevents weight gain.

Wheat Germ Health Benefits

Wheat germ is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, thereby promoting a healthy heart. Omega 3 also elevates moods by ensuring the functioning of a healthy nervous system.  Phytosterols which lower cholesterol are also present. It also has ample quantities of calcium, manganese, magnesium, iron, protein, potassium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium.

Use of Wheat Germ in foods: Wheat germ can be incorporated into the diet in various ways. It has a nutty texture and flavor, and is usually preferred toasted rather than raw. After toasting you can sprinkle it over or mix it with oatmeal, breakfast cereals, homemade protein bars, cottage cheese, yogurt, and smoothies. You can also mix it in the batter or dough while making pancakes, waffles, bread or muffins.

Wheat grass and its nutrients: Wheat grass is derived from Triticum aestivum, the common wheat plant. The seeds of this common wheat plant are planted in pots. Within a week’s time, tender green grassy shoots spring up. This is carefully chopped from the top and the juice is extracted for drinking.

Wheat grass is considered a super green food, which is full of nutrients. Since it is easily assimilated into the body, it is considered a pre-digested food. It is a wonderful source of Vitamins A, B and E. It also has minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, magnesium and zinc.

Wheat grass is rich in glucose and twelve amino acids. These include the eight essential ones such as lysine, leucine, methionine, isoleucine, tryptophan, threonine, valine and phenylalanine. Since our body cannot create these amino acids, they must be sourced through our foods and wheat grass provides a good source.

Wheatgrass has a high quantity of chlorophyll. The molecular structure of chlorophyll is very similar to that of the hemoglobin structure in the human blood, and is hence easily assimilated by the body. Chlorophyll helps to cleanse the cells, liver and tissues, and thus purify the blood. It helps the blood to carry higher levels of oxygen to all the cells of the body.

Wheatgrass juice is instrumental in removing the build-up of heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum, cadmium, copper and lead, from the body tissues.

The juice is an excellent detoxifier, because it cleanses the colon. The juice also has ingredients which fight infection and thus kick-starts the self-healing process of the body.

Wheat grass is considered useful for a clear healthy skin, and to provide relief for sore throats, mouth ulcers, toothaches, vaginal infections, dandruff. Because of its cleansing and detoxifying abilities, it is also used for providing relief for cancer and blood-related diseases.