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Hay Fever Healing Diet

Submitted by Loring A. Windblad on March 18, 2010

Natural Hay Fever Relief Remedy

Hay fever is a seasonal allergy (occurring mostly during spring and fall) caused due to exposure to pollen, dust or dander in the air. It mostly affects the eyes and the nose. The most common symptoms of hay fever are coughing, sneezing, watering eyes, nasal congestion, wheezing, sore throat, itching in the nostrils and around the eyes and the mouth. The patient may also have trouble in sleeping and may feel exhausted all the time.

In order to recover from hay fever quickly, you should eat a healthy and well balanced diet.

Make sure that you consume natural sources of vitamin C such as citrus fruits. Vitamin supplements may also help treat the condition faster. You should also drink plenty of fluids.

Make sure that you drink only boiled and filtered water. You should also drink three or four cups of herbal tea every day.

Your diet should also include sufficient amount of proteins.

Try to avoid foodstuff made of refined flour, artificially salted snacks or sweetened beverages, processed and frozen foodstuff and dairy products, as these may worsen the allergic reaction and delay recovery. You should avoid smoking and drinking while you have hay fever, as these may aggravate the symptoms.

In addition, there are a few simple home remedies that you may follow to treat hay fever naturally.

Chewing a few cloves of raw garlic thrice a day, preferably just before meals, is useful in defending the body against infections that the already compromised immune system might be vulnerable to in this condition.

Drinking a cup of peppermint tea to which a few drops of honey have been added is also recommended, as this not only acts as a natural decongestant but also boosts the immunity of the body. Another popular remedy for hay fever is to add half a teaspoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey to a glass of lukewarm water and drink this solution every morning.

This should be continued for a few weeks even after the symptoms of hay fever have subsided as it helps build up the body’s natural resistance against recurrence of the allergic reaction. You should also consume a mixture of 2 parts of spinach juice and three parts of carrot juice every morning at breakfast. For another effective remedy, extract a cup of the juice of a few Indian gooseberries, add to it a teaspoon of honey and consume this tonic every morning.    

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