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Home Remedy for Halitosis

Submitted by Loring A. Windblad on November 19, 2010

Halitosis Treatment

Halitosis can be described as bad breath or severe mouth odor in a person. Although most people suffer from bad breath at some point or the other, this problem affects almost 25% of the adults on a regular basis. Chronic halitosis refers to a state of constant bad breath in a person. There are several factors that could lead to halitosis in a person, such as gum diseases, tooth decay, mouth dryness, tobacco consumption, particles of food left in the mouth, eating certain foods and the lack of adequate dental hygiene. Bad breath may not seem like such a serious problem, but it can lead to a lot of embarrassment and can have a huge impact on a person’s personal, professional and social life.

Eventually halitosis could result in lack of confidence, low self-esteem and severe stress. Therefore, most people are interested in halitosis treatment options, once they realize that they have a problem.

Halitosis Treatment And Cure

Bad breath has been prevalent for centuries and records state that even 3,000 years ago, people used to use bad breath treatment, made of wine and herbs, to get rid of the problem.

Fortunately, modern halitosis treatment options include commercial mouth fresheners and sprays that are easily available at most pharmacies and stores. However, most of these products only reduce bad breath for a short while and therefore, they cannot be regarded as a halitosis cure. Therefore, bad breath cure should be a long term endeavor, where strict dental hygienic measures are followed.

In order to get rid of bad breath problems, you need to:

• Brush your teeth twice a day, with a toothbrush and paste of good quality. The tongue can also trap bacteria and therefore cleaning the tongue is absolutely essential.
• Schedule regular dentist appointments to prevent any gum diseases and tooth decay.

The dentist can fix most problems that trap food in the mouth, which is one of the leading problems of halitosis.
• Chewing on sugarless gum or sucking on sugar free lozenges can increase the flow of saliva, which reduces dryness in the mouth that causes mouth odor.
• Halitosis treatment is incomplete without the consumption of adequate water. You could also gargle for a few minutes with water after each meal to get rid of food particles that are trapped between your teeth.
• If you use breath mints or a mouthwash that contains alcohol as a part of halitosis treatment, you should stop doing so immediately. They may appear to be a temporary halitosis cure, but in the long run, they worsen the problem. Alcohol can dry the mouth and therefore, it should be strictly avoided.
• Quit smoking to make your bad breath treatment more effective.

There are several home and herbal remedies like peppermint essential oil, tea tree essential oil, baking soda and chlorophyll that can be very effective in halitosis treatment. However, it is important to consult a dentist or a doctor, before adopting any of these natural bad breath cures.

Halitosis Treatment And Halitosis Cures

Halitosis may be referred to as bad breath and is characterized by a noticeably unpleasant odor expelled from mouth. Bad breath originates in the mouth, due to accumulation of certain microbial agents like bacteria which produce sulfur gas in mouth. Halitosis is worse in the mornings due to lack of oxygen intake in the mouth at night, and that is when bad breath becomes terrible morning breath.

Halitosis is a physical as well mental stigma as it may lead to embarrassment in society.

The prime causes of halitosis are:

Excessive intake of foods with pungent odors like onion and garlic.
Intake of alcohol and tobacco smoke.
Consumption of certain non vegetarian foods like fish and meat.
Intake of certain dairy products like cheese may also cause halitosis.

There are various home remedies that may be employed to cure halitosis. Some of these home remedies are:

  • You can try fenugreek seeds to relieve bad breath. Prepare an infusion of fenugreek seeds or brew some fenugreek seed tea and consume it at least three times a day to relieve halitosis.
  • Chew on an unripe guava. Guava is rich in tannic, oxalic and phosphoric acid, and it cures many diseases of the gums and teeth. You may also chew on the tender leaves of a guava plant.
  • Consuming some parsley infusion is also a proven remedy to treat halitosis.
  • Another effective remedy to cure bad breath is the use of avocado infusion for gargling. It prevents the decomposition of food residues in the mouth, which is the prime cause of halitosis.
  • You should drink lots of vegetable and fruit juices to relieve halitosis.
  • You must resort to a balanced diet in order to alleviate bad breath. You should include nuts, seeds, grains, fruits, and vegetables in your diet.
  • Refrain from the consumption of refined carbohydrates like sugar and white bread.
  • Refrain from smoking and cut down on your intake of alcohol.
  • Drink lots of water.
  • You must ensure proper oral hygiene in order to alleviate halitosis. Brush your teeth after every meal or at least gargle so as to remove the food residues from your mouth. This will prevent the decay of the food substances in mouth. 
  • If all else fails, do consult a dentist. He or she will be able to identify and remove the root causes of halitosis.
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