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Treating Diabetes

Submitted by Loring A. Windblad on January 27, 2010

Treating Diabetes Complications For Diabetes Cure

Diabetes is one of the few serious diseases that can be managed by a healthy diet and lifestyle. However, if you have diabetes, it doesn’t mean that you will have to stay off your favorite foods and give up eating what you like. You can follow a simple diabetes diet plan to keep the disease in check and raise your quality of life despite the disease.

The key to managing diabetes is to eat a variety of different foods in moderate amounts. Excesses should be completely avoided when you have diabetes.

Another important thing to keep in mind is to stick to meal times. If you follow these two simple rules, you do not need to eat any special foods or give up completely on the foods that you love.

Your diet, in diabetes, should emphasize vegetables, whole grains, fruits, etc. If you are consuming excess calories, or fat, your body starts to create a rise in the sugar levels of the body.

This is highly undesirable, and therefore, consistency in meal times and a healthy mix of vegetables and fruits is a must.

Here’s what to do:

  • Your meals should not be restrictive. Instead, you should try to have a balanced meal.
  • Establish a meal plan, which in other words is an eating guide for you.

    This plan should be based on an eating routine that you can follow.
  • Choose healthy foods that you like and consume moderate amounts in each meal.
  • People who stick to their meal plan and are careful about the serving sizes can control their diabetes easily. Eating moderate amounts of food not only helps you to control diabetes but also allows you to maintain a healthy weight.

    If you eat more fats and carbohydrates, you will find it difficult to control the blood sugar.
  • If you feel that your diet is already healthy, then you may simply need to readjust portion sizes. This will help keep blood glucose in control. If you are not able to decide on a diet yourself, you can take the help of a dietitian. The dietitian will study your food habits and help you control over-eating.
  • The dietitian will also recommend healthy foods, allowing you to make better choices as far as food is concerned. You will also be able to lose weight with the help of your dietitian. You can get a tailor made diet plan which suits you specifically.

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