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Tips for Healthy Mid-Morning Snacks Plan

Do you feel breakfast just isn’t enough to keep you satiated until lunch? Or that eating between meals will make you add on those extra unwanted calories? If yes, then you need not worry because research says that, as long as you eat in response to hunger, adding a snack might just help you deal better with hunger and eventually help you to make better choices at your next meal. Carefully consider the timing of frequency and snack quality.

A healthy mid morning snack can help you rid the afternoon slump.

Healthy low fat mid morning snacks should contain about 100 calories or 15 grams of carbohydrates. For example, half a cup of sliced banana or apple with peanut butter is apt for a quick nutritious bite before business meetings instead of the tempting vending machine.

If you’ve been advised to keep your cholesterol levels in check but need a mid morning snack to keep your hunger at bay,  then you have various options to choose from like a small cup of yoghurt, low-fat cheese and crackers, fresh fruits, Greek salad and assorted nuts especially almonds and walnuts.

Kids are active little creatures and can spend a lot of energy in very little time. You can teach your children the value of good food from an early age so that healthy diet choices are sustained throughout their life. Healthy mid morning snacks for children can be fruits and yoghurt dipping, fruit smoothies, fruit slices (banana or apple) with low fat string cheese and low-fat yoghurt with granola mixed in.

Pregnant women need to consume calories that are filled with nutrition and vital minerals and vitamins. A good mid-morning snack for pregnant women can include apple slices with small pieces of cheddar, organic yoghurt and crackers, fresh fruit smoothies, sliced vegetables with a hummus dip, a cup of cranberry juice, whole grain crackers and pretzels. Mid morning snacks can help in blood glucose control. There are several snack options for diabetics; however, a doctor should be consulted to assist with an appropriate diet plan. Snacks like frozen fruit bars, small oranges, saltine crackers with cheese, sugar-free pudding, a cup of frozen or fresh mixed berries, low-fat chocolate milk and light popped corn, make for good mid morning snacks.

For bodybuilders who tend to burn a lot of energy and fat, an apt mid morning snack would be a protein shake and a fruit platter.


Submitted on January 16, 2014