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Sambucus nigra

The Elderberry tree has long been used in Europe as a major ingredient in traditional forms of medicine. The berries, bark, leaves, and root, all have therapeutic properties. The fruit should only be picked once it is fully ripe, otherwise it might be unpalatable and mildly poisonous.

Elderberry juice is an excellent source of Vitamin C and is used to prevent and treat colds. It also soothes the chest and acts as a demulcent.

It can also be used to treat fevers as it can induce sweating. It is also a mild laxative and has diuretic properties. Elderberry juice mixed with port wine is also an excellent treatment for rheumatic pains.

It may also be ingested mixed with apple juice, blackberry juice, or rhubarb juice.

Foeniculum vulgare

Fennel has a variety of uses. It can be eaten raw or cooked, is used for making anise and licorice, and is also an important culinary herb. In addition to this, fennel also has many therapeutic properties.

 Fennel is rich in iron, calcium, carotene, folic acid, and Vitamin C. It has a simulative and curative effect on the digestive system. Fennel stalks may also be used to keep insects away from the house. When combined with carrot juice, fennel juice is a good remedy for night blindness. When this combination is used with beet juice, it is an excellent cure for anemia resulting from excessive menstruation. It is also used for soothing migraines.

Submitted on January 16, 2014