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Teething Pain In Babies, Teething Symptoms And Home Remedies For Teething Pain

Teething is usually a difficult and painful time for a baby, although some do sail through it without much discomfort. Besides, there is no laid down pattern when it will happen, how long it will last, and how much pain there will be.

Usually the first teeth appear at about seven months, but in some cases they have been known to start as early as three months, or as late as twelve months. Sometimes a tooth may sprout overnight, while occasionally you will see a tiny lump on the gum for weeks, before the tooth actually appears.

The process goes on for about two to three years, and in most cases, the baby’s full set of primary or ‘milk’ teeth usually appear by the third birthday.

What are the symptoms of teething? Symptoms of teething vary in each child.
While it is not uncommon for a teething baby to develop a slight fever, it is always better to take your baby to a doctor to rule out any other illness.

Irritability, a low grade fever, slight loose bowel motions, a runny nose or other cold-like symptoms, not sleeping well, drooling too much, biting and gnawing on anything that goes into their mouth, are some of the symptoms parents often associate with teething. Added to this could be a chin rash because of the drooling of extra saliva, which causes irritation to the skin.

Home Remedies And Tips For Teething Pain In Babies

  • You might like to try a few home remedies which will help to relieve the pain and discomfort of baby.
  • Give them something (like a teething ring) to chew. This will help the teeth to work its way through the gum. Just make sure that the object you offer is clean, chewable, non-toxic, and not too small or large to be swallowed or to block the baby’s airway.
  • Offer them a teething biscuit. These cracker-like biscuits are hard and unsweetened and help the teeth make their way out through the gums.
  • Give your baby a bagel. Freeze a bagel and offer it to them to chew on. It works like a teething ring. The cold from the bagel also helps to reduce the inflammation and pain.
  • Give them fruit to chew on. Offer your baby a wedge of apple or a carrot (not miniature ones which can get stuck in their throat but a full-sized one). Peel and wash properly. The chewing relieves the irritation and pain in the gums.
  • Massage the baby’s gums. Wash your hands and gently rub the gums. The light pressure helps to relieve the pain.
  • Take a clean towel or dishcloth, wet it and put it in the refrigerator till it is cold. Let the baby gnaw on this. The cold helps to numb the inflamed gums.
  • Icing a baby bottle has a similar effect. Pour water into the feeding bottle, and freeze it upside down (the water will freeze in the nipple). Let baby chew on this.
  • Some parents have found that letting the baby gnaw on a cold spoon also has a similar effect. But be careful that it does not slide into the mouth or the baby’s airways.
  • Keep the baby’s mouth clean. Take a piece of fresh cloth or gauze and clean the gums with it. This will soothe the discomfort and pain of teething.
Submitted on January 16, 2014