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Herbal Contraceptives and Anti Fertility Properties

The Hibiscus rosasinensis is mentioned in an ancient Indian medical text, Yogaratnakar, as having contraceptive properties. According to this text, a paste of the plant mixed with rice water and molasses should be taken for three days to avoid pregnancy. Similar references to this property of the plant have been found in the medical traditions of Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Samoa, Vietnam and Sri Lanka.

Research on the effectiveness of this plant extract was carried out between 1977 and 1981 in India at the Indian Council of Medical Research. Trials have demonstrated that the plant induces an anti-fertility effect.

However, since the initial furor, the progress has been relatively slow.

A concentrated scientific effort is required to identify and isolate the compounds in the plant that induce this effect. It will require extensive research and trials to formulate this plant into a drug that can be safely taken by humans. This discovery holds special significance given the rising population rates of countries such as India and China.

For a number of years herbal beverages and contraceptives were created and used in order to prevent or interrupt pregnancy. These ancient methods were just as effective as modern methods of birth control pills, contraceptive pills, oral contraceptives and other popular methods of contraception. An herbal contraceptive is a general terminology given to herbs that possess anti-fertility properties. There are numerous ways in which herbs are used to disrupt fertility. Some herbal preparations possess properties that cause the ovary to be affected, while some others impress upon the uterus or sometimes block and even disturb the production of hormones. There are some herbal contraceptives that have the property to intervene with implantation and such herbs are consumed as an emergency contraceptive. Among men herbal contraceptive help in interfering with the natural production of sperms.

Herbs with Anti Fertility Property


Some herbal contraceptives are meant to be taken on a daily basis due to the cumulative effect they have on the in order to uphold the effects of contraception. Such examples include wild yam and neem. Wild yam is a tested and tried great herbal contraceptive that is a folk remedy and as a daily intake it speeds the effectiveness of contraception.

Neem oil on the other hand is a native medicine from India and has numerous properties in medicinal usage. As an herbal contraceptive, neem oil or neem preparations can be used by both men and women as herbal contraceptives. Women use neem oil as a spermicidal, while men are supposed to consume orally as a day-to-day contraceptive to stimulate short-lived sterility. Pomegranate is also used as a herbal contraceptive to prevent conception. Some herbal contraceptives possess properties that affect with the process of implantation. Each herb has varied effect on the body and no two herbs are alike in their abilities to prevent conception. Wild carrot also popularly referred to as Queen Anne's Lace Seeds are known to have the best repute for birth control. The seeds of the wild carrot are reputed to have the best effect on impairing fertility. Wild carrot seeds are consumed as a morning after type contraceptive. Wild carrot seed preparations are also available in tincture which does away with the need to eat the seeds. Another medicinal herb possessing highly effective properties of contraception is silphium which was widely used in ancient times and was known to be extremely potent in its usage. Modern research also indicates the value of silphium as a powerful contraceptive and also for abortive purposes. Another substitute to silphium was asafetida, although not as powerful as silphium.

Submitted on January 16, 2014