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Low Blood Pressure Diet

Low blood pressure also known as hypotension occurs when the blood pressure is lower than normal. It causes dizziness, fainting, thirst, lack of concentration, fatigue, depression, blurred vision, and nausea and breathing problems. Although it can be treated quite easily, it must not be ignored as it may be an underlying condition of a more serious health complication. A drastic drop in blood pressure can cause heart, neurological and endocrine disorders. The organs of the body are deprived of essential nutrients and oxygen and this can be very harmful.

Fortunately, this condition can be cured by making a few dietary adjustments.
A low pressure diet plan often involves upping the salt or sodium intake of the individual. Since sodium will boost the blood pressure. However, before increasing the consumption of salt, it is important to consult your health care provider to avoid overdose and consequently high blood pressure. Natural salts are a good option. Apart from sodium intake, a low blood pressure diet treatment will typically involve increasing water intake and increasing vitamin intake. At least 2 liters of water is advised to hypotension patients since water increases the volume of blood and also prevents dehydration. Vitamin intake must also be considerably upped since hypotension may also be caused by vitamin deficiency.

Low BP Foods

Low blood pressure diet foods are mainly fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates, dark green leafy vegetables and lean meats. The diet needs to be well-balanced and healthy. Alcohol and tobacco should be completely done away with. The main aim of the diet is revitalizing the entire body. Low blood pressure diet recipes are easy to make. Oatmeal or whole grain cereals with low fat milk and fruits can be had for breakfast. Steamed brown rice with a stir-fry vegetable side dish along with chicken, turkey or rabbit meat can be had for lunch and dinner. And a green leafy salad with nuts can be had as mid meal snacks. An exotic juice made from carrots, beetroot, tomato, kiwis, black grapes and black dates can also be included in a low BP diet. An important low blood pressure dietary advice is having small but frequent low carbohydrate meals throughout the day. Eating frequent meals will make the blood pressure go up. The low BP patients should avoid all kinds of fried, oily, spicy foods and refined and processed foods as these foods slow down the system. Diet for low BP patients should be tailored in such a way that it maintains their blood pressure as close as possible to the required blood pressure. A well known low blood pressure diet home remedy is garlic. Including garlic in your diet helps regulate blood pressure. Beetroot is another home remedy to treat the problem. Some believe that hot Epsom salt baths can be given to the patient before bedtime.

Low blood pressure and lack of exercise do hand in hand. Meditation and deep breathing should be practiced every day. Exercises such as brisk walking should also be encouraged. This stimulates blood flow which in turn is important to regulate blood pressure. Relaxation recharges the entire body. It is important to note that pregnant women should be not alarmed if their BP drops because the circulatory systems expand rapidly during this period. Most women regain their normal blood pressure levels after delivery. However to prevent drastic drops in BP, many women are advised low blood pressure diet during pregnancy. These diets are similar to low BP diets prescribed to non-pregnant persons. However the diet is formulated to suit each pregnancy as they vary from woman to woman and the diet is such that is does not harm the mother to be or her baby in any way. 

Submitted on January 16, 2014