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Jaundice Diet During Pregnancy

Although jaundice is a very common liver ailment, it can be quite dangerous if you acquire it during pregnancy. It is extremely important to seek medical assistance in this case. The condition can also be harmful for the baby and may cause further complications. Jaundice can be quite easily treated under medical supervision. It is extremely important to get rid of this condition as quickly as possible.

Foods for Jaundice in Pregnant Women

It may take up to a week or more in order to get rid of jaundice completely. You may also have to get admitted to a hospital for better care. It is highly advised to take immense care for a month as this condition may appear again as the immunity level is pretty low at that time. While being treated for jaundice, the doctor will recommend you foods which are high in essential nutrients. Essential nutrients comprise of proteins, vitamins, minerals, iron, calcium and many more. These essential nutrients are found in fresh green vegetables, fruits, eggs, fish, and meat and milk products. Avoid consuming foods which contain high levels of fat. See also jaundice diet

Since jaundice is the condition of the liver, you may not feel like eating food. In this case, it is highly recommended to consume herbs that are known to stimulate your appetite. Fenugreek is one such appetite stimulant which should be added to your daily tea. Add two to three fresh fenugreek leaves or seeds in the tea and drink this concoction at least two to three times in a day. Fenugreek substitutes include chives and devil's claw. Devil's claw also helps in digesting food. Herbs are considered to be extremely safe and will not cause any kind of side effects to your and your baby's health. These herbs can be easily purchased from garden centers.

In case you do not feel like consuming solid diet, it is also recommended to stick to a liquid diet. A liquid diet consists of fruit juices, vegetable soups and protein shakes. Rest is the most important factor in this case. Any kind of physical activity should be avoided. Sleep as much as you can all throughout the day. Sleep will also help in the development of your baby. Any kind of pressure or stress should be avoided at all costs. In order to curb that, yoga and meditation helps to a great extent. Both these techniques will help you attain a calm and peaceful mind.

Jaundice is a very common liver ailment, it can be quite dangerous if you acquire it during pregnancy. Liquid diet consists of fruit juices, vegetable soups and protein shakes. Avoid consuming foods which contain high levels of fat.


Submitted on January 16, 2014