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Epilepsy Symptoms

Epilepsy is a condition that is associated with the nervous system and its functioning. The nervous system is designed to pass electrical signals from the brain to various parts of the body. These signals are used to transmit sensory information and to control the movement of the muscles in the body. Epilepsy occurs when there is a problem of misfiring in these electrical signals.
The most common symptom that is associated with epilepsy is the epileptic fit that an individual may experience from time to time.
A person suffering from epilepsy will display epilepsy symptoms that appear before and after seizures. During seizures, the symptoms displayed will be that of jerky body movements, thrashing limbs and diminished consciousness. Epilepsy symptoms may appear hours before a seizure attack takes place. The connection between epilepsy symptoms and treatment is related to the type of seizure that an individual experiences. The types of epilepsy seizures include atonic, tonic-clonic, tonic, clonic, myoclonic and absence seizures. The type of seizure observed in the individual will determine the course of treatment that is given to the patient because it will help to identify which part of the brain is associated with the seizure that is taking place.

Epilepsy symptoms in children need to occur repeatedly over a period of time before the doctor will diagnose the condition as epilepsy. There may be other conditions that can cause intermittent seizures which is why epilepsy is suspected only if there is a pattern of chronic seizures.

Epilepsy Medications

Epilepsy medication is, of course, determined by the nature of the condition being experienced by the individual. The particular type of epilepsy affecting the patient will determine the approach taken by the doctor with regards to treatment options. Epilepsy medication is necessary to ensure that seizures do not take place. Epilepsy seizures can be extremely dangerous if an individual is travelling, driving or working with heavy machinery. That being said, epilepsy medications have side effects that are often quite dangerous. Epilepsy medications may lead to the individual experiencing some form of depression. Suicidal tendencies are not uncommon in patients who receive anti-epilepsy medication. The risk is extremely strong during the first few weeks of treatment which is why special care needs to be taken so that such patients are not at risk of harming themselves.
Epilepsy medications for children tend to be of a lighter dosage. However, parents are always told to ensure that the child is not unattended, especially at the early stages of medication. Every single individual is different which is why epilepsy medication is often the subject of trial and error with both dosage and the actual medication used being altered to suit the state of the individual. A doctor may even give the patient an epilepsy medication list with various options so that the patient can eventually settle on a type of medication that is suited to him or her.

Epilepsy Causes

There are many different factors that may contribute to the development of epilepsy. However, none of these can be pinpointed as exact epilepsy causes, they simply contribute to or trigger the condition. Common epilepsy causes include head injuries, infections that affect the brain like meningitis, tumors in the brain that are malignant or benign, the ingestion of poison in the system, oxygen deprivation during child birth and an illness of the mother during pregnancy. This illness usually involves some form of infection that directly affects the growing fetus. A mother who suffers from a cold, cough or fever would not be putting her child at risk. However, there are a number of different infections that might affect the mother which can lead to the development of epilepsy in the unborn child.
The relationship between epilepsy causes and treatment is used to establish if there is any obvious injury or event in the life of the individual which can lead to the diagnosis of epilepsy. A study of the epilepsy causes and symptoms presenting in the patient will lead to an accurate diagnosis of the actual condition as well as the mode of treatment that needs to be undertaken.

Epilepsy Treatment

Epilepsy treatment is a complicated process that relies on a number of different variables. These variables will determine whether the patient is treated medically or through surgery. Epilepsy treatment through medication involves a process where the symptoms of the individual are being controlled and reduced. The approach of handling epilepsy treatment with medication is used for most patients who suffer from this condition. After the initial trouble associated with finding the right sort of medication to suit the individual, epilepsy management through medication tends to be quite effective. Once the seizures have been brought under control, the patient may undergo various forms of therapy and medical analysis to help further understand the problem. Epilepsy treatment through surgery involves complicated brain surgery to effect a change in the of the brain that is suspected to be causing the epileptic condition. The use of epilepsy treatment with surgery depends on a number of different factors and is especially dependent on the diagnosis of the condition. If it becomes clear that there is a tumor in the brain or if there is an affected area that is obviously visible, then the patient will undergo epilepsy surgery. The aim of epilepsy treatment with surgery is to completely cure the condition, not to minimize the symptoms.

Epilepsy Facts

Parents should be aware of epilepsy facts so that they can understand the condition affecting their children. There are a number of websites and publications that can help with describing various epilepsy facts and figures so that a better understanding of the problem is achieved. Furthermore, it is important to know the difference between epilepsy facts and myths. Explaining epilepsy facts to children is also highly important. This can help the child understand why his or her friend is suffering from the problem. For children affected by epilepsy themselves, browsing through epilepsy facts will help to clear some of the doubts and will, in most cases, improve the confidence of the child. It will also help with ensuring that the child cooperates during treatment.
Submitted on January 16, 2014