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Bronchitis Diet, Foods to Eat

In certain cases of acute bronchitis, the patient may be advised to fast and consume nothing but diluted orange juice for a few days. Extract the juice of an orange and add it to a glass of warm water and drink this mixture every two hours or so. It would be best to follow a schedule where you have your first glass of diluted orange juice at about 8 a.m. and your last glass at 8 p.m. You can follow this fast until your cough, wheezing, and other bronchitis symptoms subside.

In some cases, the patient may require a daily cleansing warm water enema. After this fast, you will need to follow an all-fruit diet for a couple of days before you revert to your normal daily diet. 

A bronchitis diet is a very important aspect of bronchitis treatment and convalescence. One can follow a complementary all-fruit diet along with one’s bronchitis treatment. The patient will need to have fresh fruits thrice a day instead of his/her usual meals. Fruits like orange, pineapple, peach, and pears can be included in this all-fruit diet while bananas and tinned fruits should be avoided. A glass of cool unsweetened fresh lemonade is a nourishing and refreshing drink as it is rich in Vitamin C which has a powerful antibiotic effect. The all-fruit bronchitis diet should be followed by a balanced diet that contains vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and grains. It would be best to avoid processed food products such as tea, coffee, and sugar as well as pickles and condiments. Avoid refined and processed foods such as pastry and bakery products which contain sugar and white flour. In addition to this, the patient should not indulge in treats like ice-cream, candies, and soft drinks.

Treatment for Bronchitis

Fresh carrot and spinach juice is very effective in the treatment of bronchitis and so it is should be included in the patient’s daily diet. You should extract carrot juice and spinach juice separately and then and then mix 6 ounces of spinach juice with 10 ounces of carrot juice. This juice is slightly bitter and to make it more palatable, you can pour the juice into an empty pint bottle and refrigerate it until it is cool. A hot bath with Epsom salts can help to reduce congestion and the other accompanying symptoms of bronchitis. You can remain immersed in this bath for 20-30 minutes every night during the acute stages of a bronchitis attack. If you suffer from chronic bronchitis, you can indulge in this type of a hot bath twice a week to help reduce the severity of the symptoms. A warm moist hot towel can be used to cover the entire chest area to ease respiratory discomfort. If the weather permits, a relaxing walk along with outdoor exercises can accelerate the healing process.

Bronchitis Diet Plan

I. Diet:

Three meals a day comprising of fresh juicy fruits to be consumed every 5 hours.

II. Thereafter, adopt the following diet:-

1. Upon waking up in the morning:

The freshly squeezed juice from half a lime added to a glass of slightly warm water along with a little honey.

2. Bronchitis Breakfast:

A cup of fresh milk sweetened with honey and nuts along with fresh fruits.

3. Lunch:

A tortilla – preferably whole wheat, along with a pat of butter and a bowl of steamed vegetables

4. Mid-afternoon:

A glass of fresh fruit or vegetable juice.

5. Dinner:

A bowl of fresh green vegetable salad, with lime juice dressing, sprouted seeds and homemade cottage cheese.

6. At night, before going to bed: 

A few dates soaked in milk.


Certain foods can trigger allergic reactions and if they appear to aggravate the condition they should be avoided. This list of foods would include milk, eggs, chocolates, and wheat as well as certain foods like oranges, cabbages, potatoes, and tomatoes that only rarely cause an allergic reaction. The patient’s diet should also contain manganese rich foods like nuts and beans, as well as leafy vegetables and garlic.

B - Other Measures:


1. Wet chest packs daily for 1 hour on empty stomach.
2. A hot epsom-salt bath twice a week in the night.
3. Brisk walks and deep breathing, exercise as well as yogic asanas.

There are two types of bronchitis, chronic and acute. One of the easiest ways to treat bronchitis is by following a bronchitis diet. Increase your intake of organic fruits and vegetables. These are high in oxidants and are full of nutrients which will prevent you from developing chronic bronchitis. A diet that is high in oxidants helps to treat bronchitis and also prevents you from developing it in the future, if these antioxidants are taken regularly. You must also increase your intake of fatty acids as these help to reduce the inflammation that accompanies bronchitis. Bronchitis can occur when your immune system is already weak from a cold of the flu. Following a specific diet at this time can help you steer clear of this disease or help you if you are already suffering with bronchitis. Remember to stay away from fatty and sugary foods as they increase the amount of mucus in the airways. Thyme, guava, elderberries, garlic, cayenne pepper, watercress, mint are considered the best foods for treating bronchitis.  These foods help to fight bronchitis because they contain compounds that act as antiseptics. These then help to open up the airways, clear up mucus from the respiratory tract and also relieve coughing.

Tonsils Diet:

Tonsillitis is an infection of the tonsils. It can be caused by either a bacteria or a virus. It is common in young children. One way of treating tonsillitis is by following a tonsillitis diet. Solid foods should be avoided.  The patient should be given plenty of fluids including juices. Juices that are most beneficial are orange or lemon juices mixed with a little honey. If juices are not preferred, then juicy fruits are an alternative. Foods which produce acidity or increase acidity should be completely avoided. Pineapple, carrots, basil, water chestnut, and tea should be included in the diet as these help with treating tonsillitis.

Chronic Bronchitis Diet

Bronchitis is a condition where one or more of the bronchi get inflamed. Acute bronchitis is caused by a straight infection while chronic bronchitis is caused by an irritant on the lungs that are already inflamed. Smokers are more likely to be infected than non smokers with this type of bronchitis. For people who suffer from chronic bronchitis, a diet which is rich in fruits has been found more beneficial. This is more so if it is followed from the early stages of treatment. A chronic bronchitis diet is one that should have plenty of fresh juicy fruits, like grapes, apples, pears, pineapples, oranges, peaches and melons. Avoid tinned or dried fruits and even bananas at this time. Do inform the doctor before starting this diet. Bronchitis is caused by a lung infection and can be passed on from one person to another. This disorder can be viral or bacterial and both kinds are serious health disorders. Symptoms include body ache, pain, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest congestion and tightness, chest pain, cough and cold, sore throat, fever, chills and fatigue as well. If you are suffering from chronic bronchitis, you can try following a diet for chronic bronchitis as this will help alleviate the symptoms and with treatment as well. Such a diet must be light and nutritious and all “treats” should be withdrawn for some time. The main meal of the day should be in the middle of the day, rather than at night. Carbohydrate foods should be avoided as well.

Foods to Avoid Chronic Bronchitis

There are many ways of treating bronchitis. These range from medical treatments (over the counter drugs, prescription drugs) to home remedies too. Diet also plays an important role in the treatment of bronchitis. One way is to avoid certain foods. These foods prevent the body from getting the nutrients and vitamins that are needed to fight bronchitis. Foods to avoid with bronchitis include high fat and high sugar foods. Sugar weakens the immune system and hinders the healing process. Milk and dairy products should be avoided as well as they increase the amount of mucus in the airways. Keep in mind that only avoiding these foods will not help the bronchitis to disappear. Medical attention should be sought as well.

Acute Bronchitis Diet

Acute bronchitis is usually caused by an infection which could be bacteria or viral. One can try out several home remedies for the treatment of this acute bronchitis. Following a diet for acute bronchitis is one of them. Ensure that you improve your diet. Drink plenty of fluids, herbal teas, and soups. Avoid foods that form mucus in the airways. These include white flour, sweet fruits, processed foods and dairy products.

A diet in bronchitis means knowing what to eat when you have bronchitis as this will cure the problem faster. Such a diet will also help you to avoid bronchitis, especially if you are prone to it. It is important to eat a well balanced diet which also includes plenty of fruits and vegetables. If you suffer from chronic bronchitis, stay on an all fruits diet for a week before returning to a regular diet. Ensure that only fresh fruits are consumed for this duration. Cooked, dried and tinned fruits should not be a part of the diet at this time. A bronchitis diet will help to increase your immunity to the disease and any other problems you might face due to it. Unsweetened lemon water is also beneficial for the treatment of bronchitis. Avoid refined foods, sweets, products made from white flour and sugary foods as well. Cut down on caffeine and alcohol as well. Cold water fish and walnuts are also effective for the treatment of bronchitis. Bronchitis and diet go hand in hand. Diet has been proven to help and cure certain diseases, so following the list of foods you should avoid and also have when you suffer with this disease, will help in curing it. A diet that is rich in fatty acids, antioxidants and manganese helps in both preventing and treating bronchitis. A healthy diet will help to strengthen the body’s resistance. Ensure that you have an adequate intake of Vitamin A and Vitamin C and zinc as these help the immune system to function properly.

Submitted on January 16, 2014