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kidney stones diet

The kidneys are located in the lower part of the abdomen to the sides. The kidneys are a pair of organs. Blood passes through the kidneys and is filtered there. Toxins and waste products are removed from the blood and passed into the urinary bladder through the ureter tubes where they await disposal. The disposal of these waste products is known as urination. It is possible for an individual to lead a relatively normal life after losing a kidney. One kidney can take over the functions of the second failed or absent kidney.

Kidney stones are crystallized formations within the kidneys that can hinder the functioning and flow of the kidneys. The stones can also get lodged in the ureter, the tube that leads from each kidney down to the urinary bladder. This tube is fairly narrow and may be susceptible to kidney stones. The stones may also be present in the urinary bladder having managed to pass from the kidneys to the bladder. Most stones are passed without the individual even noticing any effect or symptom. The stones need to be large enough to get lodged and start blocking the ureter. A kidney stone typically causes pain which his felt in the lower abdominal area. It can cause blood in the urine as the stone ruptures the lining of the urinary system as it is being passed or as it has gotten lodged. Kidney stones are diagnosed using imaging tests, blood tests and urine analysis tests.

A kidney stones diet is a diet where certain foods that can cause irritation to the kidneys are avoided. The kidney stones diet also involves an increase in the fluid consumption of an individual, particularly water consumption as this will help to dilute the urine and may prevent kidney stones from forming or recurring. Vegetables like cucumber, tomatoes, spinach and radishes should be avoided. Strong smelling vegetables like asparagus and onion are also avoidable as they can cause problems with the urinary system. If the stones are detected to be calcium phosphate stones then one might need to moderate the intake of milk and vitamin D if there is no other diagnosed cause for excess calcium being present in the blood. Certain drinks also need to be avoided when following a kidney stones diet. Alcoholic drinks tend to irritate the kidneys as do drinks that contain carbonated water like colas and other canned beverages.

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