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Fish for Diabetes

Diabetes is caused by the inability of the body to convert glucose into energy. The hormone insulin which is secreted by the pancreas is necessary for this process. In diabetics, there is either no insulin being produced by the body or the insulin is not produced in sufficient quantities and cannot be used effectively. As the body cannot convert glucose to energy, the levels of blood sugar increase with damaging consequences for the rest of the body.

Diabetes is a growing problem throughout the world. In the United States it is one of the leading causes of death.

There are two kinds of diabetes. Type I diabetes or juvenile diabetes is caused by damage to the pancreas which cannot make insulin. People with this kind of diabetes need to take insulin in order to convert glucose to energy. In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas cannot make insulin in sufficient quantities or the body is unable to utilize the insulin effectively. Type 2 diabetes is the more common variety making up almost 90% to 95% of all diabetic cases. More on benefits of eating fish

Type 2 diabetes is known as a lifestyle disease and is caused by unhealthy lifestyles. Unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise and stress are some of the common causes of this illness. The disease is not curable, but with a proper diet and exercise it is possible to control blood sugar levels and avoid the worst effects of this debilitating disease.

High blood sugar levels in diabetics leads to many secondary diseases like renal disease and coronary heart disease. A well balanced, nutritious diet plays a big role in keeping blood sugar levels stable. Studies have shown that a diabetic diet should contain a high proportion of green vegetables and fruit along with lean meats. Amongst lean meats, fish is good for diabetic patients as it is a source of low fat proteins and many other essential nutrients. For diabetics who are used to a diet of red meat, switching over to a low fat diet can be difficult. Eating fish can make this transition a lot easier to accomplish.

Fish For Type 1 Diabetics

Studies conducted in Norway show that fish is good for type 1 diabetes patients. The studies were conducted using cod liver oil and they showed clearly the beneficial effects of fish and fish oil in not only treating but in some cases preventing this type of diabetes. Fish is also good for type 2 diabetics. Most diabetics develop coronary heart disease and it is one of the leading causes of death among diabetics. Fish oil which is rich in omega 3 fatty acids has been found to play a beneficial role in preventing coronary heart disease.

However, care should be taken while preparing your meals. While frying fish results in a much tastier dish, too much fried fish is not good for diabetics. However, you need not deprive yourself of tasty food. Act sensibly and limit your intake of fried fish to once or twice a month. Stick to a standard portion of fish which is about 3 oz. and be sure to eat nutritious healthy food the rest of the day. Remember baked fish is good for diabetics and a much better alternative to frying it. Broiling or grilling are also healthier alternatives. Tuna fish is good for diabetics. It is a rich source of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids that help keep the heart healthy. These acids help lower serum lipid levels and prevent plaque from forming on the walls of the arteries. As coronary heart disease is common in diabetics, tuna fish can play an important role in maintaining good health.

Fish Oil And Diabetes

The relationship between fish oil and diabetes has been extensively researched. Fish oil plays an important role in a diabetes diet. Diabetics run a higher risk of developing coronary heart disease and research has shown that fish oil helps protect the heart in many ways. Fish oil helps to lower the level of triglycerides in the blood. The omega 3 fatty acids contained in fish oil help to increase insulin sensitivity and exert a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels. Research conducted in USA, Norway and Canada indicates that the addition of fish oil to the diet can reduce the threat of metabolic syndromes and heart disease. For diabetics, the recommended dose is 6gms of fish oil per day and can be increased till the levels of triglycerides falls to safe levels. Too much fish may also be bad for diabetics. Research shows a correlation between too much fish and increased diabetes risk, but this finding is still disputed. More research is needed to shed light on this finding. It is better to err on the side of caution and limit your fish intake to two servings per week.
Submitted on January 16, 2014