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Calories In Skim Milk

Skim milk supplies many important nutrients to the body. Its nutritional value is considered to be equal to that of normal milk. Skim milk has a slightly different flavor than whole or dairy milk. Some manufacturers fortify skim milk with additional calcium, vitamins and minerals.

Nutrition And Calories In Skim Milk

Skim milk is also referred to as fat free milk since it contains less than 0.5 percent of milk fat.

The nutrients found in skim milk include carbohydrates, protein, sugars, sodium, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D and calcium. The low calorie content and nutritional value of skim milk makes it an ideal food for those who wish to lose weight.

Health Benefits Of Skim Milk

Some health benefits of skim milk are as follows;

  • Skim milk or fat free milk is preferred over whole milk due to its low fat content. Whole milk contains mostly saturated animal fat which can add to the cholesterol levels in the blood. Per serving of whole milk supplies about 50 percent of calories while fat free milk supplies only 4 percent of calories. Many people prefer to first opt for 2 percent milk, move on to 1 percent and then drink only fat free milk. Since there is a difference in flavor, this kind of transition is easier for some people.
  • Going fat free does not mean that you are compromising on the nutritional value of milk. In fact, some brands of skim milk will give you more nutrients than regular milk. Since the fat content is reduced in skim milk, there is more space for nutrients. Skim milk is a good source of calcium, which is vital for good bone health and for reducing the risk of conditions such as osteoporosis. Health experts usually recommend getting your calcium intake from milk instead of supplements, as it is better absorbed by the body. This is because lactose, which is also present in milk, helps in the absorption of calcium.
  • Individuals aged 9 years and above are advised to drink at least three cups of milk every day. A diet which incorporates an adequate amount of milk along with fruits and vegetables is known to help in weight loss. Some researchers found that people who consumed dairy products were more likely to lose abdominal weight than those who took calcium supplements or consumed a low-calcium diet.
  • The calcium in skim milk may also play a role in protecting against colon cancer. Calcium also helps to regulate blood pressure levels and assists in muscle contractions, nerve functioning and blood clotting.
  • Skim milk is a good dietary source of vitamin A and vitamin D. It is also one of the best sources of the B vitamin, riboflavin which aids in the digestion of food. Since skim milk is rich in B vitamins, it also promotes good cardiovascular health.

Buying And Storing Skim Milk

Always check the sell-by date on the milk carton. Milk stays fresh for approximately 7 days after this date. Keeping milk in a clear glass jug can lead to loss of vitamin A and riboflavin since light has an adverse effect on these nutrients. The light can also alter the taste of the milk. Milk can be stored in the freezer for about 3 weeks. Skim milk freezes better than whole milk.

Preparing Skim Milk

You can drink skim milk either cold or warm. When heating up milk, avoid bringing it to a boil since this causes a film to develop on the surface. Milk is used in various dishes such as desserts, smoothies and even some savory dishes. However keep in mind that some recipes may not work well with skim milk.

Skim milk can be added to sauces, soups or baked foods. The dish may be less rich due to reduced fat content.

Some people prefer to make skim milk at home by removing the layer of fat formed on top of regular whole milk. The procedure needs to be done twice or thrice in order to make the milk almost fat free.

One study claimed that a high intake of skim milk may affect the process of ovulation in women since high-fat dairy products are known to boost fertility. However, it is advisable to consult your doctor before making any changes in your diet.

Submitted on January 16, 2014